hub at
Fri Dec 5 23:09:27 CET 2003
Miklos Erhardt/Dominic Hislop Mircea Cantor Mark, Laura Martin, Chris
tine Meisner, Zsolt Mesterhazy, Vlad Nanca, Lucio More Information: h
ttp:// Matt Olden Martin Robinson Martin Howse MIRRO
R (1974) Moira Zoitl Margit Czenki / Park Fiction Moira Zoitl Margi
t Czenki / Park Fiction MIME-Version: 1.0 Meghivo MIME-Version: 1.0
Maximum length: 10 seconds Maximum picture size: 720X576 Maximum fil
e size: +/- 5 MB Maximum length: 10 seconds Maximum file size: 500 KB
Maximum file size: 500 KB Museum of Contemporary Art Merida/Mexico
Mapplethorpe estate now and he's used Sherman to give the work more M
editerranean) will present the review VIDEOCOSMOS, which presents works
Max Nagl Mia Zabelka Martha Rosler and Rosalind Krauss have their o
wn little academic Mobile: +81-90-5880-1801 or +81-90-8957-4524 M |
U | T | E | L | L | A | __ N | E | W | S | __ sprrrrrread it! Mutella.
We had too much on our plate, and our apparent incapacity to Mute [Ne
w & Archived] Manchester's new Urbis museum, Maria Fernandez and Matth
ew Hyland on Mulholland on Ambient culture, Kate Rich on Josh On, Paul
ine van Mourik Broekman & Josephine Berry in conversation with APG, a
short Melanie Gilligan looks at the implications for cognitive science
of Mute magazine is looking for a part time assistant editor to work
2 Mute Mute and Metamute are supported by Arts Council London Mute D
ata Mute through Demetra Kotouza (demetra[at] Mutella ma
iling list Mutella is brought to you by Mute, Skyscraper Digital Publ
ishing Ltd.,
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