Big Conversation

ruth catlow ruth.catlow at
Thu Dec 4 20:04:56 CET 2003

In the new Labour Party sponsored Big Conversation website, we are all
invited personally by Tony Blair to submit a full range of personal
details including political affiliation before 'having our say' about
how to 'deliver a future fair for all'. The site fails to state it's
moderation policy and contributors are reportedly discovering their
detailed criticisms of various policies edited to a few lines of broad
praise for the government.

Anyway, there has been a kafuffle over the prior existence of another
more grassroots Big Conversation that has been going on online for a
couple of years. UK citizens expecting to have a friendly chat with Tony
are faced with uncensored and representative debate on community led
topics which turn out to be matters of War and Peace, Health,
Sustainablilty etc

heh heh

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