
adriaaN astellingwerff at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 3 01:05:53 CET 2003

Get the flavor of electronic arts at taste-E.org! Whether you're a new media
arts researcher, a curator, artist, or just want to know more about the
electronic arts, you're bound to find what you're looking for at

Taste-E.org is a frequently updated and ever-growing portal to websites
related to the electronic arts. Focused on the intersection of arts,
technology, and science (interactive art, robotic art, ARTificial life,
etc.) taste-E.org features websites of leading artists, artist collectives,
institutions, and festivals, (online) communities, ezines and books from
around the world. Brief and to the point, taste-E.org is an ideal resource
for everyone involved or interested in the electronic arts.

Please contact us if you have any suggestions for websites or books to be
listed on taste-E.org.


Adriaan Stellingwerff
Editor taste-E.org

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