i love Italia: Contested Space in Florence
anna balint
epistolaris at freemail.hu
Tue Dec 2 20:37:49 CET 2003
From: pressrelease at undo.net
i love Italia: news about the italian contemporary art scene from UnDo.Net
curated by Marco Scotini
Spazio Alcatraz
Stazione Leopolda, Florence, Italy
Saturday, 6 December 2003 from 11.00 to 20.00
Press Office: Daniela Cresti d.cresti at email.it
Info: Daniele Ciullini d.ciullini at comune.fi.it
CONTESTED SPACE has been promoted by Regione Toscana, Tra-Art Regional
Network for Contemporary Art, and by the Municipalities of Florence, Leghorn,
Monsummano Terme, Prato, Siena. It has been conceived as an 'urban action
day' at the Stazione Leopolda in Firenze, as the closing event of the entire
project ''Networking/ The cities of people'', curated by Marco Scotini.
''Networkingcity'', published by m&m Maschietto Editore, is the occasion
through which CONTESTED SPACE intends to convey and concentrate in the same
place and at the same time a variety of experiences on an international
level, on resistance, creation and activism. CONTESTED SPACE is like a one
day display in which a number of researches will be presented. Their aim is
to analyse the relationship between art and social transformation departing
from the ''Networking'' Lab. and side by side with international experiences
of public or community-based projects. Networking first proposed itself as a
territorial laboratory, organised in a number of events (conferences,
debates, workshops, exhibitions, artistic participation). With this further
stage ''Networking'' offers itself as a debating and contesting platform on
which conflict is taken on as a privileged space of the portrayal of the
current situation. Themes such as the daily negotiated space and the space of
inequalities a!
nd contradictions will be dealt with through the works of 30 international
artists and 70 young artists operating in Tuscany.
In addition to the ''NetworkingCity'' group, the following artists have been
A-1 53167 Anibal Lopez, Gruppo A12, Cantieri Isola, Gustavo Artigas, Andrea
Abati, Marc Bijl, Stefano Boccalini, Bureau d'Etudes, Paola Di Bello, Meschac
Gaba, Rainer Ganahl, Carlos Garaicoa, Jeroen Jongeleen, Armin Linke, Armando
Lulja, Teresa Margolles, Gianni Motti, Multiplicity, Giancarlo Norese,
Ogi:noknauss, Park Fiction, Robert Pettena, Radek Community, Paula Roush
(msdm), Santiago Sierra, Stalker, Superflex, Bert Theis, Enzo Umbaca,
UnDo.Net, Alejandro Vidal, Wayruro.
On this occasion the Alcatraz space will be turned into an open and informal
platform which foresees the dynamic succession of operative spaces and a
simultaneous multiplication of events: projections, performing actions,
meetings, alternative markets and workshops. Along with the exhibition and
during the entire length of the event there will be an arena for debates
where philosophers and/or theoreticians will follow critics, artists and
representatives of popular activism.
>From green guerrilla to hypotheses of counter-town planning, from
homelessness to the violence of the suburbs, from power maps to hidden towns
(still to be mapped), from parades to sit-ins, from hunger strikes to forms
of popular activism, from illegal interventions in the town network to the
activation of parallel or informal economies, from counter-information to
hardcore aesthetics: these are some of the themes that will give life to the
CONTESTED SPACE area through the work of 100 artists and intellectuals.
The artists of the ''NetworkingCity'' group are:
Katia Alicante, Anonymous Art Studio, Michele Aquila, Arabeschi di latte,
Giacomo Badiani, Gianni Barelli e Paola Baldassi, Filippo Basetti, Giacomo
Bazzani, Eri Bezhani, Jary Biscardi, Sladzana Bogeska, Leonardo Bossio,
Sandro Bottari, Andrea Bruscoli, Andras Calamandrei, Vittorio Cavallini,
Barbara Ceccatelli, Dimitri Civilini, Cristiano Coppi, Vincenzo Ferrara,
Giovanna Fezzi, Stefania Filizola, Ilaria Giaconi, Zoe Gruni, Michele
Guidarini, Irene Jorgensen, Irena Kalodjera, Gruppo Koroo, Kata Kozlovic,
Jonela Llaci, Paolo Lonzi, Luca Malgeri, Federica Mannella, Gabriele
Manganiello, Filippo Manzini, Melanie Marxer, Marco Michelini, Ljljana
Mihaljevic, Sandra Miranda, Domenico Montano, Agata Monti, Elisabetta Mori,
Francesca Nesi, Giovanna Nicosia, Nguyen Nhu My Ngog, Valentina Pacini,
Francesca Pisaneschi, Christian Posani,
Tasos Protopsaltis, Niccolo' Poggi, Giulia Giada Pucci, Salvator Qitaj,
Giacomo Ricci, Michael Rotondi, Mauro Sanpaolesi, Angelo Sarleti, Gabriele
Sedda, Anna Stankiewicz, Svarnet, Stefano Tondo, Tommaso Tancredi, Eugenia
Vanni, Matteo Voliani, Ergin Zaloshnja, Catia Zizzi.
The Stazione Leopoda S.R.L., the Milano/Genova ARTRA art gallery and PROMETEO
Associazione per l'Arte Contemporanea of Lucca generously collaborate for the
making of the entire event.
le citta' della gente/ the cities of people/die Staedte der Menschen/ les
villes des gens/ las ciudades de la gente
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