\\ our archives

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Mon Dec 1 04:26:38 CET 2003

>It seems that the mbox that is presented on the archive page doesn't  
>include the earlier postings... When we switched from majordomo to  
>mailman the archive storage format changed, and the majordomo pages  
>were only archived as HTML. The entire archive is present as HTML  
>To download the full archive, one would have to use a browser that can  
>download an entire site (such as icab). If there is interest, I can  
>package up the HTML as a tar or sit archive for downloading.

Hello, Tom

Our concern for the fate of Lev's archives,
was partly lifed by the broad spectrum revisions undertaken by Cycling74 et al digital bandits, 
and Mr. Taylor's (a Cycling74 bandit) coincidental burst of electricity.

1. It appears that the Lev archives will continue to be publicly accessible. Super.

2. Nevertheless, we feel that efforts should be made to locate new Lev administrators.

These forums are meaningless without their participants. 
The administrators, despite Mr. Taylor's and Trond's automatic words, can be largely automated. 
This is not an insult, unless one wishes it. The multitude does not require a center line to demarkate 2 way traffic.
[eg. .it, .tr + the better part of ost.europa]

Alternatively, a group of administrators, fingers dipped in congruent powers, 
representative of both sexes + multiple nationalities/childhoods, can be named.

We would welcome the latter metamorphosis.

Regards, NN

                                                meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.     


Netochka Nezvanova  - simply.SUPERIOR
= c w 4 t 7 a b s

                                                    |    krvava gruda plodna zemlja

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