presentation and wishes

Aliette Guibert guibertc at
Mon Dec 22 12:25:57 CET 2003

Hi! My name is Aliette Guibert and I am coming from  multifield and
thema-anachronistic review online
(as curator and editing director)

A friend of mine has recommended  that I should subscribe syndicate. So here
it's done, just now. I have seen any French names or adresses that I would
know before, but they would recognize me same way. So : no problem ;-)

Before anything and waiting to see the current of the list, in sort to know
which thematic or discussion are most required, I send you this message to
end this year and begin the next one on a smiling sign.

In fact, between the actual moving world, I would wish you a happy new year
in a childhood return on Modern History to your own children (from 7 to 77
years old, as "they" said)...  Fortunately the matter is the free version in
English-US of the integral interactive comic strip serial (16 stories) John
Lecrocheur, that one in 1999-2000 wining on its own field: International
Emma Award, International Narrowcast Award and International Festival of
Interactive Film... For once time I could not succeed to obtain the free
right to publish it in French thanks to the authors! Daily a story more is
online since December 17th 2003 and following till January 1st, and then
staying online till January 8th 2004. Then it will disappear. It is not
Spam, it is really a funny and magic content that can meet your critical
interest on entertainment online...  and on inventive universe from
multimedia cutting as archaic or primitive content but still magic. Get a
pleasant fun!

To see JLC please activ d-day December 17 and following

Aliette G.

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