Johan Meskens CS2 jmcs2 jmcs2 at chromaticspaceandworld.com
Sat Aug 2 12:04:57 CEST 2003


      /  /                 \                      / teZUQKdokzmC
E                /                      \               \
                 / l 1 d 5 r 8 13 r o e r r 10                 /
                    \   |   " _ar.   "    "    "    "0=1
                              -   l, w, r, r, r, o, d, l, e, d ]
             /                            \                 /
                 \ sof11XhGA8KiA soJ/K18B8Boe2                  
*	 |_| 145644 6" || orange|||orange||||yellow|||||      |||
|||white|green 'green ~" || N |              \
       /                   __________________/                 /x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ laZxM3Px/oKYc 3AtV/WRlQPli. 12Bq69KgRPaVI da
/CAbkGvdJVg                                      -
-----[      textTEXTIASIBODY             /
     \ |      |_                              __________________/
   a housing as growth |______|  |   " _ar.   "    "    "    "0=1
             \                            /                   ___
_______________/                  /\
    \                        /                 /
   \                   \                 /
                   \      -                 \
/ fAAo7nOCXW652  wiDqIPnejHeXo wizpewGktOKMk                  \
                  /               \                        /   /
\ \x________________x/\_________________x/\_____
_____________/  x__                   \ deNTHEc
rEwCVs . /xx\/\/
  x\x                  \__________________/                 /
\ co7ORiCgOXpP2 -AwQlUp53xtJw                   
\      - \x________________x/\_________________x/\
__________________/  x__ /xx\/\
/      x\x              \                          /
             \                        /      -
\                \                      /
           /                    \                 yellow line all
 over             /                            \ *|      |x
             \ |xxxxxx|x            x
         x           xx \__________________/\__________________/\
__________________/  |      |_                /
    \ /\/\/
\             /                            \ =      = =    ==
 =                       \                    /     +0100     9 1
8 w o d a 3 e l 0 d 17 9 d 13 8
    -              /                          \ haus-
     /                            \                    -  spiel
    -              \                          / . rdderrdeewrdd 1
4 o r 9 e 0 r o d e 3 4 c d 3              /
       \                    \__________________/
  \ /\/\/\
     [ L - L - L - L - L - L - ]_ prKkwMypI/c9Y how can one doubl
e a saying ? by repeating ?   if you - __________________ -
             __________________/                     /
         \ l Bag[ a, c, d, d, d, d, e, e, e, e,
   x/\x        \  \                    /
                 \                  .               \
            /                   \ re.jQ.8hPU8Gk
 theUwi6CoSdG2 |-------------------------------------------------
--------------------[      ASdeclareasASasI   [ modelling water ]
  |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||  in291EslZnKp6
x/\x              \                          /
|         --          wiandr remove plur:x |  of ,   , D-B--B, --
----, x, a, :ords:, >                  /
 \                   \        Bag[ a, c, d, d,
d, d, e, e, e, e, =    =  = =  == === ==     -               .her
e |______|                   \ |   || " |||_| 3
66151 2" || green||||||blue||      |||||purple|||blue||red 'white
 ~" || - |                   __________________/ |   " a' ..
 .      .      .      .      .      ..      w.3      ..      HEAD
ERLANDSCAPE                     \      -
         \                        /                  \
         /                  /\       -
           __________________/  ==K2yzzRd8NtI                \
                   /      -                \
 /            x\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/x [ r, l, d, l, c, a
, d, o, r, l,                   \ *|      |_
                \ a repetition is saying someth
ing twice                           /                          \
r |xxxxxx|x            x                   x           xx -
        /                          \              /
            \ _a<  and if you               /
    \                   \ /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\x                 \
             / /xx\/\/
      x\x  /\/\/
\                                      $landlicht
            \ L                        |      |
_      /  /               c item=         /  /                 \
                   / d e c 4 16 15 d c 10 1 w 6 e 13 as to reside
  |   " 'A./ GLIDING SQUARE, a writing system
                   landweight /\ |______|
           /                    \               \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx/  as to red                   __________________/
            \                 \
    /  v                    __________________/  -
.here                   \                 \
                /               /                        \
      /                            \       -  __________________
  l, l, l, o, o, r, r, r, w, w ] a housing as grow
  \                    /                    \ =
=K2yzzRd8NtI                    \      -
            x                x              \
      /                   __________________/              \
                     /  /\ ini0bQckkcIPQ fly1G2
ud/a3u6 flpDf6szsRReg evGfrD1e0BGts      \  \ kl0YQZ8ELjN7Y
             __________________/                 /
     \    \x_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxx/  x__|  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|x                   xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx /\ o e 7 1 d o o w w l r 16 o 2 14 l 12
         l                   __________________/ ::x           /
 /  a snake eecrelrlldrrdrrde      -      +0100
      |______|  __________________                \
         /    \  \             /                            \
            /                      \
*	           \                            /             \
                          / ==K2yzzRd8NtI     re2hGlAOdLEwc ::sai
lboats                \                          /        -
             \      3 c 19 e d 15 r  reusing wo
rds in them  e              /                          \
     /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\                \

Interlichtspielhaus, x_a_p                \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/     

|c-k-h-r-o-m-a-c-h-i-n-e||   || " || green||||||blue||      |||||p
urple|||blue||red 'white ~" || - |      -                 /
             \  	|      |||blue||||purple|black||||||green|
||black 'yellow ~" || C | _                            /
              \ --              /                            \
            /                        \               \xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx/   |-------------------------------------------------
--------------------[      ASBODYworldItextthis                  /
\  |--------------------------------------------
-------------------------[      THISasiASasas |      |_
        \                   __________________/
                   \             \
              /       -  ld
                    \                 \
*	 6" || blue||red|||yellow|||white||white||green 'orange ~"
|| c |              lared prxv1jESY5zRo            x/xxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\x   d, d, e, e, o, e, d, l, o, r ]
                  /\   how can one double a sayi
ng ? by repeating ?   |   " _ 3 0 5 l 2 19 e d 0 d 10 c r d 18 15
18 e l                   __________________/  __________________ /
         \                        /                  /
\                   \ spiel
      \                [ thread ] as wqnupuyo8t.
Xg              \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/               \
                  / |---------------------------------------------
------------------------[      DECLAREWORLDthisBODYWORLDthis  L -
L - L - L - L - L [ - ]                   \
         /                          \             \
             /               [ date ] iAzXnmCp5KA0w
\                        /             \
  /                  \__________________/               \
               / [ L - L - L - L - L - L ] 905/KeVi6gYCg |______| _
_________________ |   "*   _, " chromatiscHHHHHH unDDDD rauMMMMM  *
|      |x               /                        \
/                    \                                         plet
anio { sea }             \                            /
       \                     \
                \                    /  L - L - L - L - L - L [ - ]
 |xxxxxx|x            x                   x           xx
      /                    \               \
 / \x________________x/\_________________x/\__________________/  x_
_|      |x                   \
 / \ inter worldeclaredeworld miUlFpGnie.2I mi45qFfyFav4. |-k-h-c-a
-a-A-n-A-M-r-C-C-| " | \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ |______| 
\ GE4FlicVO.Xy. | " a' .. . . . . . .. w.4 .. ITIONREPE
TITION \__________________/\__________________/\__________________/
 | |_ [ L - L - L - L - L - L - ]_ - /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ 
 |_ [ 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 0 | "* _, " chromati
scHHHHH unDDDDD rauMMM \__________________/\ ______________
____/ |-ckhromaschine-||-i-I-I-c-e-H-C-6-a-S-O---7-H-E-s-h-O-S-4-k-
C-C-||-jmcs2-| \x_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/\xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx/  x__|  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|x                   xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxx   inout, in _ ut                   \
         \__________________/                   \
              /                          \                /
              \ | -------------         berlin  | 246222 o.hive ---
-|- , , , _a, h14F, >, dg,  v
         $landinter                ecla                   
\   [ L - L - L - L - L - L ]             /
             \                    -               \
        /                        |      |_ [ to ] retain     |
 |_       - rerbE4XPMxltE  -fbZ78XVr5YPg 7 6 w 6 16 10 6
        __________________/              /
 \                     - GEbpDbqHgtFH2                  x\_________
_________/x             \                            /
   \                          /   w, c, r, e, e, w, e, l, d, l ]
 18  =   =n =   ===== == =                /                      \
      -- tA36Qslth4FwY tA58N2v7iXCzc drWL8SO1ctK3w drhk8ObSD5Emw no
MAOeZgrHo4M                   \
                    weight                   __________________/
45644 6" || orange|||orange||||yellow|||||      ||||||white|green
'green ~" || N |                /                      \
   l           -                                      $landlicht
            /                        \               yellow -
       /                            \
    /\                 \                    /
  -               /                          \              \
                    /                 \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
         \                          /              \
           /               [ subject ] d 1 10 6 0 d r 10 l 11 13 7
17                /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\   e               \
                   /                  /
         \ GEZyqYCoBxDV6              laredew                   __
_______________/                /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\      haus
-       -                   __________________/             /
                       \ /\/\/
\  |   ' " I DECLARE THIS BODY AS WARLD =openedi
ng=closeding=                   __________________/ \_____________
_____/\__________________/\__________________/  \  \             \
                            /  __________________               /
                       \                   \ /
\/\/\  \  \ of
N61zl9R1QmA wrSSE8SlALALg thmuQUrRRbRCM inXPB9lHY3YHQ thksXkVv0ctK
U     ------------------------------------------------------------
------------                                      - e 8 d l 9 3 o
o 19 l o d d d                   __________________/
\                          / -AZ599ktBaGgo -As.1sAx7PIP2 |______|
            \                            /             /
                  \ |---------------------------------------------
------------------------[      bodyASasASworldas  dwlrrecddeeeddar
odl                                      landweight 0APDN/Upoto36
                  \ /xx\/
\/      x\x                   
\  |      7      |      16      |      57      |      I      |
      78      |      @      |   as to where are ,      \  \
-- |      -      |      -      |      61      |      33hest      |
      ~      |      11      |  as to place
              $landhaus                   __________________/
            \                        /
          WAIGHT as to red                  \__________________/
               /                  \__________________/        /
                      \ licht                    
\ L              \                          /             /  /
            /                        \                  /
           \                 yellow line all over as to call - is
angle  d 5 e r 1 w d w 10 e 2 6 o 4 3 9 w 15 2                   
\                    \
         \__________________/\             \
              /             /                            \
           \__________________/                   \             \
WAIGHT       -     10 17 r l 2 14 o 16 8 19 d 18 3 l 16 l a 0
             /                      \                     rldeclar
edeworld it is about u=fouldi=ngifo=diof=un             /
                   \                \                      /
-                  \__________________/ sovdSsHrVB1CI waLG.JDfoIYh
Q inCFAFguu.gF2 aApQsuBoqrXVs so8ZlUpjrRUw6
               pletanio { sea } paaqjY8SjCSUc prewOMOwB4ZQY pr5M9D
d7iXliQ |  -------              |::::: do > +f > - ,        , </h
1>:, -, ./, _.', 14, ^               \                        /
                         \               \
                  /                   __________________/ 47SPKNxq
GP6KE                     \ wocK1TvCHdgYo degY.6
cIlWY4U      -  |______|x            x                   x      in
ter                   __________________/ \x_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/\xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/  x__              /
                \                  \                    / |______|
               /                        \              /
                \        world              /
     \                \                        /               \
                      / aAtR/o6P1JITA cAKUXJgisZf6Q aAG6VDLMIMSHM
                  \                \
          /                /                      \ /xxxxxxxxxxxxx
\__________________/                 /\
       \                        / L is line  |______|
  /                        \             \
    / EAMsbcTYqm4zU licht             /
 \ dipFEdywOUvGM di2NIIiL5VPMc diF8PFQAVtomA mihXUqbDOAskY
         /                      \      -
            $landinter d d r 4 o 11 12 o d a 6 w e ==K2yzzRd8NtI
           /                            \      - - is angle |   --
-----------         FW ][ > Ff# $  ,          , alread, #09, :no
t":, double, , :::::: e             \__________________/
       /                    \                  /
  \               /                        \ fllAsXFjmEZnk
     \                            /                /
        \ them                    __________________/
    \                    /                   \
           \                            /                 /
\               x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\x
                    rldeclar                   \
as to red                   \             a dire
ction change             \                            /
      \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ rlde |   "    "        "   " "   "
                .. 1      CHROMATISCH UND RAUM         awritingsys
tem                   x                x
            landweight               \                        a, c
, d, d, d, d, e, e, e, e,                   __________________/
                __________________/ /\/
\/\                /
       \                   \ realment:undescribe
d:denoted: :folded as  e 18 d d l e 2 e c 7
   /                                       landravel
    /\ rlde |______|             \
                          \                    /
                    xiniatrix { sea }          /  / -


. | " || 2-8-2003-11:52 |-| yellow || " | .

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