\\ S A L E

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sat Apr 26 07:52:28 CEST 2003

supermarket xyz at work  [ie. shopping in the $74 club isle

>Am Samstag, 26. April 2003 05:46 schrieb etienne deleflie:
>> So the GPU thing cant be ignored.
>> I guess we would have a CPU->GPU object and a GPU->CPU object ..........
>> I guess the challenge is to find a way to architect all these
>> technologies together within one logic.

>(who remembers the time of hardware open-gl cards that could barely do simple 
>shading, no texturing, used 4 or more processors and ranged 10.000$ and up ? 
>damn, things got cheap nowdays ....)

male.prostitution is the future [tm]

the problem isnt the problem. solving the problem is the problem.

world ov exter!orz  -  http://www.god-emil.dk/m9ndfukc/cycling74

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