\\ schon fertig gelöffelt ?

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Thu Apr 24 23:05:57 CEST 2003

>=cw4t7abs - lying is the future
>nn - prostitution is the future
>konfuz!e = v.seks!
>z. http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0302/msg00155.html

2x t!p t!p

>money = power

money = memory

>>> Most of the movies are about money and the vision is sciovinist.
>> phps ... you like money
> Of course I do. With it I can pay my rent and my bills.

they stole my memory ... you shared yours

the objektive was to see if the boy could make something more than money

>life +?

do i look like a slot maskin to you +?

>smiles. love +?

due 2 all xyz long 4 ....

>isnt it strange 

that works of art demand a title +?


tenderness + courage = qualities no name nor law rescinds

>> ... and men
>> and need both
>>> If we, women, 

you are too lovely to be desired

>>> If we, women, 
>> crowds aren't sexy

just looking

>I like this... -You are such a smart and romantic women...

smart and romantic women enjoy your projections
+ step through the door left slightly open - exprez +?

>>> have to fight that mentality every time we step out of our
>>> door, that would make our life impossible.
>> why. men need you.
>They don't. 

men need the state. for the state has demonstrated it capacity for freedom. equality. happiness
and its incapacity for love

>and boys?

boys need naked 2x  [young or old. + nothing in between 
                                     everyone looks as everyone else in between. aging = super.glue

>Men look for power and women, most of the time are just a part of it.

the state = power
the state - negates love
men - whistle whistle

one thinks of something by thinking of something else

>real man = pr!vat propert!

perfekt man = publ!k propert!

\\ ur vo!sz = melt!ng dze [perfekt] !konz

\\ LOVE is the fruit of idleness 

the knight rides forth in jet-black steel
into the rushing turbulent world ...


prostitute = soldier = synchronized to others

et vouz +?

>s!nkron!zd 2 no 1


et vouz +?

>s!nkron!zd 2 01

tru lala trula trula tru lala

most humans = have the power to live life but not imagine it

memory = power

in love what is real is up to your imagination
+ fantasie is the sweetest part of truth

>you're late

=cw4t7abs - lying is the future

nn - prostitution is the future

01 - ztep.ztep. bak !n 2|2|2 prezent


                        /     alpha.6o - the present is terrifying because it is immutable

                      /                                                         /


             in love what is real is up to your imagination                /
                 + fantasie is the sweetest part of truth

                                                                     bak !n 2|2|2 prezent 

                                                                     bunuel: the exterminating angel !!!

                                                                     nn: et vo!la monz!eur ...

                                                                                !z dzere an!dz!ng

                                                                     bunuel: ou! ...

                                                                            !n dze gaaaaaaanze veLt

                                                                     bunuel: ahhaaa ...

                                                                         zeks!er dzn dze xy m9nd +???????

                                                                     bunuel: THE STATE !!!  \ -.o

                                                                     nn: na na n na           rrrrr

                                                                     bunuel: THE PREZENT !!!

                                                                     nn:  -.-

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