\\ k ø n d u ! t

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Fri Apr 18 03:43:06 CEST 2003

>>>will nato work under os x /w cycling's new max beta for os x?
>> before software communicates with software people must communicate with people
>voila. rien ne va plus +?

what is it you wish of me - she asked

due to fact i am simply.human i desired simple.assurance cycling74 would not defile me in broad day light 
[whilst uniformed human stones idled cheering] and subsequently throw me in the street but not too distant, lest,
i, an idiot again, make myself useful, and export from forced isolation.

was it so much to ask. some small assurance in exchange for my beautiful stories

mm i ask +?

cycling74 has not understood me. cycling74 has not understood my attorney.

cycling74 has understood that stealing my music. my software. my papers.
and my smile will be understood as progress by the "community" cycling74 controls.  

among simply.estimable excuses, eg. `cycling74 did not know the law of private property hence cycling74 is not guilty`,
cycling74 legal counsel and cycling74 employees have accused me of facilitating cycling74's crimes.

because cycling74 employees forced their "it's fucking up" fingertips into my 242.lv objekt +?

realizing cycling74 is more barbaric than initially anticipated
i have sought to conclude the matter most urgently +. cycling74 was kindly provided with
the opportunity to prove they didn't steal my property. cycling74 didn't.

as i as you do not enjoy forced korporate prostitution my options have been 3:
i may run very very far away where no one knows my name and\or i may aktivate 
that which zicarelli, his employees, consultants, have singularly responded to: force, ie.lawsuits.

lawsuits = force. 
solutions they aren't are they.

much as wars to wars solutions aren't are they.
will your wound my wound heal +?

why +? how +? when +?

if our bonds weak are control further will weaken them 
rather than strength bring to them. 

and another forceful shortkut exists: UTILITY ... as a name to us - assistance 

after all - the max forum "situation", ie. the forced isolation,
the prison door with a peephole, i have illegally been subjected to on occasions several, 
has never been addressed. why +? 

i have never been granted human status ___... for lack of a name might one or other ask +?
i have myself named that you have `named me` - nameless nobody.

i was allowed in the "community" for i was deemed useful. how +?
i was allowed in the "community" for i had something worth stealing. when +?
i didn't know. i didn't know. now - documented and documented and named.

i as you do not feel safe releasing property into a wild west of uninhabitable vending machines.
one may erase one's body heat being careful to wash the blood stains - lest they attract more barbaric predatory canailles
i wish the "situation" resolved and not exacerbated.

after all - had i been named miller puckette
my boundaries would not have been violated ... before a cheering mob of house flies

have tortured my self into unkomfortable fear stained states sufficiently - 2 years and over,
since cycling74 has systematically commenced "learning is thievery" - western progress is forced prostitution.

i have hidden my property from cycling74 criminals and short.fat.bald.ugly secret consultants. 
they hired more consultants. eventually they `found` my property and ate it.

irrespective of lawsuits - the wounds are permanent. the trauma perpetual.
the timeline cycling74 has lifed a linear hell ...

what is it you have done \ what is it you are doing

any fool may travel where others have traveled resting on a map
any fool may program for any male knows when he has arrived

my m9nd knits lovely stories within stories ... 
despite the fact in the presence of wounds, western democracy advises linear retribution.

do i need cycling74 
does cycling74 need me 

do you need cycling74
does cycling74 need you

do you need me
do i need you

do you want me
do i want you

why +?

it is this immune.play [tm] spirals into
in exquisite + profound spirals  _ not linear advancement _ 
rather v.eternal + v.perpetual multi.dimensional micro fluidic ribbons

cycling74 has said:

"we are looking forward to"

but forcing human beings into korporate prostitution is robbing them of their singular value 
for `that which does not kill me makes me stronger` is simply.obscene
as learning obscene is

so yes - western progress is fueled by forced prostitution.

this is very unfortunate. 

partly because western societies produce an abundance of excellent programmers, but not people.

cycling74 will continue programming.
cycling74 will continue teaching others the lesson they have taught me

i haven't left the classroom
not because i am extremely stubborn

rather because when i stood up to leave
i noticed the programming classroom
was within her classroom

she taught me my name
and whispered 

i like it

in my confusion i asked:

which one +?

hence ...

one must lose all hope to understand \ what has transpired.
when one has understood one does not return. 

hope returns. the most formidable destructive expression.
it converts the nameless wilderness into the apt representation 
of one's sentiments ...


u z!gn 500g ov zzk!n

4 evr beu!ldrd

bru!ze dze tearz


dze zed!mnt !n2 an unguent ov ...

                                       l                 z   

after several approx.viscous minutes she smiled:


9  70^3        BONNET/BOOT STAY
This part supersedes: 40045700

           ___... it is more like that you touch.   read. http://www.membank.org/biosemiotics

                                                        ... degreeeeeee.ez ov [noble] fog!nesz

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             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova                   nezvanova at eusocial.com


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