invitation to participate: your favorite four letter words

D. Jean Hester jenajunk at
Wed Apr 16 23:14:45 CEST 2003

Hey all,

I'd like to ask you to contribute/participate in my latest 

It's SO EASY:  send me a list of your favorite four letter words (as many or 
as few as you want).  Yeah, and remember, four letter doesn't have to mean 
f*ck, sh*t, d*mn, although those certainly are glorious four letter words.  
Hand, post, June, list, dive, chow, Oslo, ogle, spam, and poke are all 
perfectly reasonable four letter words as well.

The words will be placed in a database, and reconfigured in odd random 
pairings based on an algorithm, along with odd random pairings of video 
footage.  The result will be an interactive installation planned for a 
music/video/art event in Los Angeles in May.

Thanks, and send those words in to jenajunk at!  I need a lot of 

-- D. Jean Hester
Interviewer: "Must an artist be a programmer to make truly original online 
John Simon: "Truly original? You Modernist! Whether you make art or not, 
understanding programming is an amazing understanding."
from "Code as Creative Writing: An Interview with John Simon"

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