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Wed Apr 16 10:56:50 CEST 2003


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Congressmen unmoved by foreigners' plight
Worries about the entry delays being experienced by foreign researchers coming to the United States were the avowed topic of a hearing of the House Science Committee on 26 March. But most of the members who turned up had different concerns on their minds. They wanted to know what is being done to make the United States more secure ‹ and to lessen its dependency on foreign scientific talent.

"I am not particularly concerned that there is a little bit more red tape," Phil Gingrey (Republican, Georgia) told the scientific leaders who testified at the hearing. "Our security is more important than your convenience."

Ralph Hall (Democrat, Texas), the senior minority member on the committee, said that America's dependence on foreign students bothered him almost as much as the country's dependence on foreign oil.

And Dana Rohrabacher (Republican, California) suggested that the domestic shortage could be remedied if US students were given preference over foreigners for places in US graduate education programmes. "There are scientists from communist China swarming all over Los Alamos lab," he said, "and when the Chinese start building rockets efficiently enough to hit any American city, we can start blaming this open exchange that we've had between scientists and our universities."

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