\\ primed for action (arnt xyz klvr

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Thu Apr 10 00:29:36 CEST 2003

>>nn - batl \p[l]a!\ ground
>kick them!

aaa. ! uaznt zrtn u uantd dzat 


nou ! knou

nn - konzum!ng dut! + mean!ngfl f!ngrpr!nt bon.bonz [2 b metamorfozd !n2 lekker korporat v!olensz kapzulz

dze french = waxed part!kularl! poet!k !n dze!r dezkr!pz!onz ov dze breaztz
she !z prov!dd u!th 2 ver! beaut!fl + ver! f!rm breaztz
!n u!ch 1 feelz d!zt!nktl! dze mamar! gland + dze breazt = zupl!ed avec 01 
p!nk + erekt!l n!ple.

aristophanes' play lysistrata of 411 b.c. [progresz = !nev!tabl]  
illustrated the moral power of 2x sexual choice. 

lysistrata convinced the other women of athens to stop having sex 
with their men until the men stopped waging the peloponnesian war. 
the women barricaded themselves in the acropolis while the sex 
starved xy objekts wandered around with ever larger leather phalluses, 
gradually realizing that military victory becomes meaningless without ___..
the prospekt of sex.

nn obzrvd


kareerz akrosz dze veLt

nn - hrrrrrrrrrr \+\ arbe!t macht ganz glukl!ch + fre!

			\\ nn reklz dze !numerabl trenchez !t fell !n2 bkz - I UANT .... nn nvr lernz

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