server logs

integer at integer at
Fri Apr 4 20:00:47 CEST 2003

>> I would like to view the server logs
>> with regards to my being surreptitiously eliminated.
>NN-  I have explained to you that you were not surreptitiously 
>"eliminated" by me. 

clay, you, yourself, have explained that the pronoun you has surreptitiously unsubscribed the pronoun me,
grasping all dimensions of control for your self and leaving me the crumbs 
of a disintegrated being - my self

this is your glass of darkness

>I don't know what else to tell you. 

          |- this is your glass of darkness

>You'll need to 

it is inutil to declare that silence modifies the phenomenal appearance of a thing.

>contact Tom if you want to look at the server logs. I do not and never 
>have had access to them.

i just live hier.

this is your glass of darkness - silence

>> Why +?
>No reason except that I wanted to keep the community "located" at 

a profound reason.
eastern europe is your future.

>> Why are the others qualified and I am not +?
>I don't know. I never said you were not qualified. That is your own perception.

i am both one of the terms and the relation.

it is a pity i am not viewed as a totality so that i may qualify.

>> Why not +?
>> It is a public forum financed with public money.
>I started the list with a lot of my own hard work and I feel like I can 
>decide who should be the next list admin. 

your opinion embraced by an opinion discussion.
scared +?

artists repeatedly 01 has indicated - superlative lip service pay to interactivity
and collaboration, yet immersed in real life, they appear precisely as they are - an amalgam 
of traumatized MEN and WOMEN _ western model citizenz ultra embedded + terrifying 
soldiers prepared + willing ____... to survive life.

>The policies of the list will 
>remain the same regardless of the admin.

you have spoken. never again.

consciousness is _the super glue
we lose it so that love may live

>>>> And ... was I unsubscribed before you closed the list +?
>I think I have already answered this but again the answer again is no.

you hadn't. that you have indulged the curiosity of a person outside the community
is commendable - for consciousness profoundly hurts.

>> I understand.
>> Would you have closed the list years ago +?
>I don't understand 

cancer is a stranger - often

>your question 

is it searching for love

>but my previous point was I maintained 
>an open subscription policy and did not censor posts to the list.

the reciprocity of the relation prevents us from grasping its integrity.

does going + coming freely a community make +?

>> You aren't an answering machine and this isn't a competition.
>> rather a story about years and years of systematic discrimination.
>NN, people in the past may not have treated you fairly but I don't 
>think that is the case here. You're right, I'm not an answering 
>machine. You are free to post to the LEV list.

peace imposes more suffering than war.
do you understand why +?

my body is not an idiot.

>I maintained an open subscription policy and did not censor posts to the list.

clap clap \+\ seriously

nn - would that i just live hier ____... consciousness interlude

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