\\ zu!m through all dz!ngz

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Mon Apr 28 22:04:42 CEST 2003

"Bacteria may be an inexpensive and stable long-term means of data storage" Wong told

wong - another simple.male with the intelligence of a house [fly

storing data in bacteria is similar to injecting any sperm into any egg. = LAST ORDERS!
the bacteria does not choose

life involves choice  -  http://www.god-emil.dk/m9ndfukc/cycling74

                                                          ||| simple.supermarket.males

immune.play [TM] - simple.SUPERIOR

                        \\ tu!l!ght hour ever! uear
                                all around dze table - 1 ua! out
                                    zeek !t ... zekret d!verz

                m u r m u r   on all ztr!ngz       

                                         u u!l zkr!!!m + krave m! l!ke a r!ght

treez r endlesz kuezt!onz
ur zoft zong vo!sz ... 1001 facez

nn - r|w !n2 u

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