[syndicate] fw: job in Oslo
clement Thomas
ctgr at free.fr
Fri Sep 27 11:27:44 CEST 2002
pavu.com Institute for Talents Young
clément Thomas - Officer Général
-/ you know where you are ! /-
----- Original Message -----
From: "claudia westermann" <media at ezaic.de>
To: <syndicate at anart.no>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: [syndicate] fw: job in Oslo
> Avdeling Statens kunstakademi
> Statens kunstakademi er en avdeling innen Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Statens
> kunstakademi har som formål å gi undervisning på høyeste nivå for
> kunstnere og forestå kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid innen de
> billedkunstneriske uttrykksformer. Studietilbudet innen fri kunst
> omfatter maleri, skulptur, fotografi og elektronisk kunst. Ved akademiet
> er det for inneværende studieår ledig stilling som
> Høgskolelærer i elektronisk kunst, midlertidig stilling
> Ved studieretningen for elektronisk kunst gis det grunnleggende og
> videregående undervisning i en rekke elektronisk baserte verktøy.
> Stillingen som høgskolelærer omfatter:
> - Ansvar for daglig drift av medialabben
> - Undervisningsoppgaver innen web-tools, multimedia software,
> videoredigeringsverktøy, lay out-programmer
> Vi søker en person med kjennskap til maskinverktøy og programvare egnet
> for kunstproduksjon/ interaktive arbeider, pedagogisk erfaring og evne
> til å tenke helhetlige tekniske løsninger i verkstedsammenheng.
> Stillingen lønnes som høgskolelærer, st.kode 1007, l.tr. 32-42, pt. fra
> kr. 256.600 pr.år, etter kvalifikasjonen. Fra lønnen trekkes 2 prosent
> innskudd til Statens pensjonskasse. Stillingen er midlertidig og gjelder
> t.o.m. 30.06.03, med mulighet for forlengelse. Opplysninger om
> stillingen fås ved henvendelse professor Laura Beloff, tlf.22 99 55 30,
> off at khio.no. Søknad sendes Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, avd. Statens
> kunstakademi, St. Olavsgt. 32, 0166 Oslo innen 15.10.02.
> The National Academy of Fine Arts
> The National Academy of Fine Arts is a department of the Oslo National
> College of the Arts. The aim of the National Academy of Fine Arts is to
> provide teaching at the highest level for artists and be at the
> forefront of artistic development in the various forms of visual arts.
> The study programmes in fine arts include painting, sculpture,
> photography and electronic media. The Academy has a vacancy in the
> current academic year for a
> Lecturer in electronic media (temporary position)
> The study programme in electronic media provides undergraduate and
> graduate teaching in various forms of electronically based tools.
> The position as lecturer entails:
> - Responsibility for the daily running of the media laboratory
> - Teaching of web tools, multimedia software, video editing tools,
> lay-out programmes
> We seek a person with knowledge of both hardware and software suitable
> for art production/interactive work, educational experience and the
> ability to think comprehensive technical solutions in a workshop
> context.
> The position as lecturer is remunerated in accordance with position code
> 1007, salary scale 32-42 (currently NOK 256 600- 299 300 p.a.),
> depending on qualifications. Two percent of the salary is deducted as
> contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. The position
> is temporary, lasting to 30.06.03, with the possibility of extension.
> For information regarding the position, please contact Professor Laura
> Beloff, tel.: +47 22 99 55 30, or e-mail: off at khio.no. Applications
> should be made to the Oslo National College of the Arts, The National
> Academy of Fine Arts, St. Olavs gt. 32, N-0166 Oslo, Norway, by
> 15.10.02.
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> Syndicate network for media culture and media art
> information and archive: http://anart.no/~syndicate
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