lasting flowers relief

anna balint epistolaris at
Fri Oct 4 12:27:08 CEST 2002

If jodi's mails are art or not art, we let Frederic to decide 
or we can submit the mails to the artnortart competition.
Definitively is an action, action art, action email art, or spam art,
and those generated mails by - probably perl software - also cover in principle
the aesthetic categories of the random and error art.
There were too many mails, that's sure, there is no way to allow them
to the list, it would crash all mailboxes.

Angels worked during this night:
Auriea Harvey was so kind to clean the moderation box,
no heavy data threathens anyone at this moment.
There would be a task for software developers too: to add a small script
to the moderation software, something that works on most web mail surfaces
already. Any help is appreciated.

This last jodi action has a great benefit: Auriea joined the moderation team
since yesterday. Welcome Auriea!


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