No subject

- G a r r e t t - garrett at
Fri Nov 29 18:01:18 CET 2002


Hello everyone

The Banner Art Collective announces winner of Buy Nothing Day contest.

The Banner Art Collective's Buy Nothing Day contest received 15 
banners from artists in France, the UK, and the US. Thanks to all 
artists for a great and varied group of entries.

Many entries were strong, so contest officials almost decided to 
split the grand prize of $0 (USD) between several entries.  
Ultimately, though, the grand prize was awarded to Zebra3's 
"buy-sell(f) nothing," a banner which subverts the textuality of 
corporate logos to good effect.  Zebra3's banner will be featured on 
the Banner Art Collective's front page ( 
through the holiday buying season.

Buy Nothing Day (November 29th in the US and Canada, November 30th in 
Europe and elsewhere) is an annual international event held to 
protest the unoffical opening day of holiday shopping.  It is 
organized by the Adbusters Media Foundation 
( Now in its eleventh year, Buy Nothing 
Day is a 24-hour consumer fast and celebration of sustainable living. 
Over one million people around the world are expected to participate.

As always, the Banner Art Collective ( 
continues to collect new entries for its ongoing banner art 
collection.  From November 29 through February 4, the site will be 
included in the Edith-Russ Site for Media Art exhibition "Total 
Überzogen" ( in Oldenburg, 
Germany.  The group plans to stage several banner art "happenings" 
within commercial advertising space in early 2003.



Salut tous

Le Banner Art Collective announce le gagnant de le "Buy Nothing Day" concours.

Le "Buy Nothing Day" (achete rien jour) concours de le "Banner Art 
Collective" a recu 15 banniere's de artistes en France, Angleterre et 
Etais Unis.  On remerci tout qui a participe au concours.

Le qualite de banniere's entre dans le concours etait forte et on a 
presque decide a diviser le grand prix de $0 (USD) soit 0¤ entre 
plusiers artistes.  Finalemant on a decide le gagnant est Zebra3 avec 
son banniere "buy-sell(f) nothing," un bannier qui manipule le 
utilisation de plusiers logo commercial avec de results interessant.  
Le banniere de Zebra3 va ete heberge sur le page d'acceuil de le 
Banner Art Collective ( juste au fin de 

"Buy Nothing Day" (Novembre 29 en Etais Unis et Canada, Novembre 30 
en Europe et ailleurs) est un fete international contre cette saison 
de Noel qui est de plus en plus un vacances commercialise.  Il est 
organise par le "Adbusters Media Foundation" 
(  En existence depuis 11 ans, "Buy 
Nothing Day" est un abstinence de toute qui est commercialise qui 
duree 24 heures.  Plus de un million gens sont estime a participe 
cette an.

Le Banner Art Collective ( continue a 
herberge de bannieres pour notre exposition de banner art.  Jusqu'a 
fevrier 4, le site va participe dans le exposition "Total Überzogen" 
au Musee de Edith-Russ site pour Media Art 
( en Oldenburg, Allemagne.  
Nous commence a organise de banner art "evenements" qui reprend de 
espace commercial en 2003.





Garrett at


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