Pour infos / Appel à Participation /International Short Film Festival Amsterdam

xavier cahen cahen.x at levels9.com
Wed Nov 20 19:30:45 CET 2002

Pour information :

Shorts! (4th edition)
International Short Film Festival Amsterdam
12-16 March 2003

The entertaining and educational function of short films preceding a feature
film is already a thing of the past. They live a lively existence that
stretches far beyond the lines of traditional cinema. In spite of the
increasing public attention and popularity of this genre and the new
opportunities of presentation (Internet), short film still lacks an adequate
stage in the Netherlands. Cinema Kriterion believes it's necessary to give
makers of short films the opportunity to show their work. Therefore, we are
proud to announce the fourth edition of the International Shorts! Film
Festival in Amsterdam.
Shorts! 4 aims to offer the short film its own stage to make the work of the
makers of short films accessible to a wide audience. Building on the success
of Shorts!1, 2 and 3, the ambitions of Shorts! 4 will go far beyond those of
its predecessors. The festival will be enhanced in cooperation with cinema
De Balie and quite likely in two other cities in The Netherlands. This will
make the festival accessible to a broader audience and make it more
attractive for filmmakers to show their films.


We would like to invite filmmakers to submit their film for selection of
this year's edition of the Shorts! Festival. Participation will offer
filmmakers the opportunity to show their work to a broad audience, discuss
their ideas and experiences with colleagues from all over the world and keep
abreast about the latest developments within their specialty.

Entering Shorts! 4 is possible for films that have been produced after
September 1 2001; acceptance criteria are: film (16 and 35 mm), video (VHS
and Betacam SP) and DVD, of which the maximum length should not exceed 30
minutes. Entry deadline is 1 January 2003.


Main Programme
    -    International Competition. In this competition selected
films from all over the world will compete for the Shorts! Award and the
Audience Award. Our programmers will focus on fresh and new quality films:
disregarding genre, production quality or budget. Decisive is the personal
vision of the filmmaker in relation to social reality, cultural identity and
esthetical innovation in image and sound, because in this era of mass media,
globalisation and the allied impersonal uniformity of society these personal
visions are extremely important.
    -    Shorts! Kids Programme. The selected films in this programme
are appropriate for kids aged 6 to 12 years old and will be rewarded by the
Kids Audience Award. The organisation highly values humour and playfulness
going together with quality films.
    -    Shorts! Kids Programme By Kids. Apart from films made for
children, this edition of Shorts! will feature a block of films that are
made by children. These films will be considered for the Kids Award,
likewise the Shorts! Kids Programme children can give their personal opinion
about the films.

Filmmakers are invited to enter films for the International Competition and
the Shorts! Kids Programme.


Special Programme: 'New forms of film gallery'
Technological advancements like digital film and video have speeded up
development in this variety of film into an entirely new genre. Shorts! will
compose a two-day programme 'New forms of film gallery' in cooperation with
De Balie, Park4DTV, Bellissima, Impakt and others.

    -    Pixellated cinema. In this segment special attention will be
paid to filmmakers who specifically choose digital video by making use of
the new techniques and possibilities that digital video has to offer in
comparison to conventional film. Developments like Cut Copy 'n Paste,
recycling or reuse of existing film material, will also be in focus.
    -    Online cinema. Programmes like Flash and Shockwave have made
it possible for the viewer to take an active part in an animated sound and
image story via the Internet. This new and growing form of 2D computer
animation has already produced many interesting and artistic pieces on the
Internet. In this segment web designers, filmmakers and software developers
will be offered the opportunity to show their work to the audience.
    -    Film & Video installations. Film and Video do not always
have to be two-dimensional, but can also be presented as spatial interactive
3D objects that people can walk around, touch, operate or control.
    -    Retrospective.  This segment will focus on one filmmaker who
has cinematographically made interesting developments within the short film
    -    Cut Copy 'n Paste. A lecture will be given about recycling
or reuse of existing film material. By this process totally new compositions
emerge which are likely to have a different use and meaning than the
    -    Instant Movie Lab. During the festival visitors can create a
new representation of their environment by manipulating it with a video
camera, computer and existing film material.
    -    Moving Picture Gallery. In this segment abstract videos in
which plot does not play a central role will be selected. Rather colour,
composition and sound should be main focus of these pieces.

Filmmakers are invited to enter pieces for the segments Pixellated Cinema,
Online Cinema, Film & Video installations and Moving Picture Gallery.

Mail your digital art work with specs to :

digital at shorts-filmfestival.com

specs :
- platform pc or mac
- plugins to install.
- type of file : Flash, Shockwave, Java, HTML, Go Live.

Or send your CD-ROM, disk, DVD, VHS, Betacam SP to the adress:

digital at SHORTS filmfestival
Roetersstraat 170
1018 WE
the Netherlands.


For more information please check our website:
www.shorts-filmfestival.com <http://www.shorts-filmfestival.com>

If you have any questions please contact us at:
Ph: (+31) 20 7719912
Fax: (+31) 20 7719913
Email: info at shorts-filmfestival.com <mailto:info at shorts-filmfestival.com>

We are looking forward to your applications!

Kind regards,

Inge Thoes
Melle van den Berg
Mariska de Vries
Mélanie de Vocht
Raymond Deirkauf

International Film Festival Amsterdam
March 12-16, 2003 
Kriterion Cinema Amsterdam

Xavier Cahen
Paris France
cahen.x at levels9.com

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