robb collins near-text-experience #010

august highland hmfah3 at
Wed Nov 20 08:01:39 CET 2002

robb collins

Into th e than that delays and ct boats, t , deaths of The situati m, which
ca n the prese e most affe me half-int means the eads, so th ully sick a y
are going ripping car e. r her body to Feeling the m on. It fel Erotic... s
l the And not kno t except Vo "What is it "We lived w k for one he fi He'd
heard reak in New al with the ir destiny. wn 'Here's som 'I wish I wo 'Who's
ther 'Don't stop great especia . Robert poin omans eight ch they cal then
Ermin sucki (This is ho "I think I w uck me! Ple "What a bea wagons whic led
with he ng town of B As they rat he turmoil, Ad tion of new age from th the
nation' ade has pas ed or the D ill brave a amp in it wi It was not t zy
while th ery bias te o do a bette s probably "very optim nistration s the
water e flowers m ith a pleas ng their le igh her wel up her min they came n
ched that s "We mustn't For some ti trade-of n't resist ight be the "By and
lar dit to who a not disprov keep the se ays this to years older ng habit of
. t r. softly. Wha . I think he proud of hi lacksmith' not hat I shoul It
was Satu interviewe that villai ye disease
boys we pert's clot two behind. a--one of t te hot weat Perhaps the or
declinin "I expect t ost reducti One names, and so I was obl of sex, and hat
is, of a ng J. Z. gorgeous ar from London wn; also na "How is the eirs in
the his c g evidence s, M. Godin ught within o him which the her hand ha
Then Jay's They sank t uttons on h rs without ter that th d to give he he
purpose t to Maitla ed Gwen was 'You must n rposed the 'Wery good, 'Do you
rec re first Kundalini f , which are nary powers aths of Yog otion), Jna "
"American d his first d , America h s--terrori s. The a li smakers had s
from the s andles and they got ou k and standing the ill-fat n, with Cri
aplings, fo shirt, with hich someon Mary Rother ad always w "In summert es
they noise of t ed, it seem But a minut and lanky V "Are you ho they ha
Robert's ma ght, told t counties" w Warwickshi

comfortabl ing up my cu "I was worr "I almost d "A "I have dec "Have you h
ncement. "No," he re ember, and Germans ghter to se etition in To the Offe
Mitchell or ind liable legs , administe all the gob m without m tiers ch her
with me, I said t She was jus ndness and te. If I

m The US Inte ontinuing n 994 Agreed ld only be n "We've "Peace,""I shall
accom hers will r ey will pro loodshed if onnaissanc th both rec By Sept. 11
d plans for e inexperie retai 'You are, S The Serjean 'Mr. Pickwi 'to state
t 'And a low t 'And an unr The poor gr stowed upon everybody Wardle take m
takes his se; Mr. Pic him. As he d joy. Let case. I ease take t At this the
emed decide to prove th e "It's your ng for your Janet wante d now was a
story. ys and lesb basic milit rce. And fu y people to views suppo and
waited. The young m "Good morro "Good morro a bow. "" "Put the ho By the
ways own, there e darkness other, . Of course . Yes, Erne , in desper I am
not you It is ro ith its pic ooks out of wn and comm ses almost the that a
ni Gwen in ful , I thought of the youn into his ca he went on for a box
secur "Mother! mo They all hu e key, and orgot about haft. I qui ediately, J
er and sunk e, he only t going?' 'They're on ing directl 'Going!' sa as Mr.
Pick sh hope and re love, he d having hi y; for, thi harioteer o w rving
that would knock ing that su clined to o informed of serv erage basic Redux
also Adjustment tch inflati rall viation Med facility wa Texas, and Farewell
to Aviation oh dear, no dle out, an wick an opp . 'Take any tion at Mr. you
Avory asked "'If'!""St Kink, who w " he then sa o go fold the look of g
one's sel ough Derric the sitting ; and al efore ask y es like tho claimed,
wh ct that upo Latour and the Chr ound, very re born Chr ths, but al ay be
not, on the gov Congress al ses to help ed the Depa retired mil "Oh, she's
ing for my b "I think I n I went quic n't see saw nt inside. She rushed bed
before leg just ab rose l: the holy . I live acc y flesh in p es. Another
but when I and a g an inch of h by herself. ed around a nd taunts s fingers
in She was pra nd up in her was fucking She was there at my excit "There is
n ave come to ""Well," co do

imly, and c 'In this ha len growl t nd then pas rchyard. N h e that this
yers, head iefs of Sta Myers obser est, say. There r loyal cap fe ship thi
"But the en at single-h , in all her ea that she half girl, at's Gwen D She
makes d an attitu you have to ery essence ng away wit ndulge in e m he Lord
has had carried ght have up "But you mu "We "Excuse me, sent here f They
have b "Ha!""Perh "That," sai our enthusi It behooves f where our last
vestig n hand. At brea Mr. Pickwic involuntar which Job h two hours' le, and
the s cold and st "It was the n. "It was NOT 'Gabriel st on him, He was pant
d holding o h other. I b tart of som to do was ex . Simple. E the thought
When she di He paused resp dy else's c ; but as it' e it to the his hat, an
ing approach loftily. Ex f this hut. . I also hav That don't

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