august highland hmfah3 at
Tue Nov 12 01:27:05 CET 2002


INKJET #021      [excerpt]

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Ah  Sansar

 cried  like way  nationwide cove will coves lose   em will objects world
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related dismal  himself  nor Septimius wish  ends spindle  drew back Juba
wished  receiving  relief efforts  moment  Francesco hesitated    waistband
himself  nor Septimius wish the himself up   know means   replied Alexi  bed
moans longing pleasure   Chakra Chakra  Yogi certain   wearing pulling
occasion last talk very  Gonzaga rose  heavily  drawing  space superiority
global  people  fell knees  prayed tore

Tithonus  spouse Morn   another pupil Origen    been as murrain  locusts
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attitude man  saw  struggled  himself  nor Septimius wish  Staff  Sgt
Edward Carter Jr    satirized anything whatever  girl  prophet priestess
caught  matter being settled  Gonzaga   describe  possible Sri  angle field
indicated Alexi rays himself  nor Septimius wish  the beauteous  luminary
danced the strangers paths warriors conquering  weary lugur  bed moans
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ain't stealing can  drew Drake arms  pushed   tight pussy squeezing dick
deep within newly fucked  Mann   starting back

levels  black eyed-maidens  all made  try now   think

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