Pixxelpoint Newsletter
Blaz Erzetic
blaz at erzetich.com
Mon Nov 4 00:17:18 CET 2002
Pixxelpoint 2002 - International Computer Art Festival
-- Newsletter - November 3 2002 --
Hi to everyone!
For the ones who want to visit Pixxelpoint and come to Nova Gorica,
we've put some useful info and hotel contacts. Go on our site under
'Visit Us'.
Opening: November 22 at 8 pm.
Exhibition will be opened November 23 - 29 everyday 9 am - 9 pm.
Like previous years, Pixxelpoint will feature lectures and concerts.
This year we'll enjoy the music of Al Capone Strajh Trio, Rambo Amadeus,
DJ Ivol, DJ MIha Klemencic (Random Logic) and Audioworx.
To see complete program go on our site under 'Program' section.
If you need invitation letter, please contact Mrs Pavla Jarc at
mestna.galerija-NG at guest.arnes.si
In case you have a question or comment, don't hesitate to send us an
e-mail at
info at pixxelpoint.org
Best regards,
Blaz Erzetic & Pixxelpoint staff
If you don't want to receive further informations about Pixxelpoint,
please kindly reply to this email with "Remove" in subject line.
Pixxelpoint 2002 - Mednarodni festival racunalniske umetnosti
-- Novice - 3. november 2001 --
Za tiste, ki si zelijo ogledati Pixxelpoint, smo objavili uporabne
informacije in kontakte hotelov. Na nasih straneh pod 'Obiscite nas'.
Otvoritev: 22. november ob 20h
Razstava je odprta med 23. in 29. novembrom vsak dan od 9h do 21h.
Kot prejsnja leta, bodo tudi letos potekala predavanja in koncerti.
Tokrat bomo lahko uzivali ob glasbi Al Capone Strajh Trio, Rambo
Amadeus, DJ Ivol, DJ MIha Klemencic (Random Logic) and Audioworx.
Celoten program na nasih straneh pod 'Program'.
V primeru, da imate kaksno vprasanje ali pripombo, vas vabimo, da nam
le-to posljete na nas elektronski postni predal
info at pixxelpoint.org
Lep pozdrav,
Blaž Erzetic in Pixxelpoint osebje
Ce ne zelite vec prejemati novic o Pixxelpoint-u, prosimo, odpišite na
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