No subject

integer at integer at
Mon Nov 11 19:37:31 CET 2002

ivo at

gesticulating about the land he _selected to enter
[so that he may overindulge in coca-cola. fa{s}t food + fa{s}t women _?
 shrug ____.... weiss nicht

>The objective of the video game Grand Theft Auto is to steal cars, as it is 
>probably obvious from the game’s title, and to kill as many people in the 
>process without getting killed by the cops. 

get back to where you once belonged - you are losing your inno.sense

>This is a pretty 
>straightforward proposition. 

sell love for happiness.

ameri.cans have. 

appaling idea of what happiness is and confuse it with pleasure.

>I don’t know, maybe it is just me, 


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