n2+o Book ++

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun May 26 13:21:46 CEST 2002

>Does it come in the form of a hat, or with accessories? 

it is a 2m book with one page.  

the most beautiful of pages.
excerpt from the introduktion below.

>How much for 

5500 usd + flight to eastern europe.

[may be utilised to enable [and disable].
both proportionately relevant.]

-- Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. You can't
solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it--A. Einstein

... . . ... . . another important matter to consider is the 'depth' command.

... .. ..  .. . .. . .. when 01 constructs a fog, the depth of the world
flattens to the message board revealing the indefinite delay of 01 else's

Due to fog.
When 01 constructs a fog, 01 wishes 01 else to stay.

.. . . . ........ . ..consequences?

01 can even go as far as to distort \ warp an image of the world, generating
complex layers in the process. enveloping 01 else.

. .. . . .... the constructed layers slow reality down to 0.56 fps. the moments
of fog expand. the expansion is not exclusively temporal. the layers
automatically generate various objects, materializing as elaborately fabricated
gifts to 01else.

01 else unwraps the objects. 

1x autumn leaf in formaldehyde
1x alive miniature ferret
1x analog pixel
1x rose of Jericho

unfolding. shrinking. expanding and tumbling.

01else spits in the rose. the rose opens up. slowly. slower still, it changes
colour. slower still, it performs edge detection. gently, it reaches the limits.
the atmosphere changes. slower still, growing beyond. broadcasting messages to
multiple objects, demanding to expand through them. growing.growing.growing.

... . . .  . . . .. 

In a world of silent communication she thrives. the uncrowned queen of

I am the queen of passion. she screams.
. . I am the queen of curves. 
...... I am the queen.

.. . ..... a transparent or semi-transparent object appears. 
The rose grew so thin. so very thin. its genes dispersed over multiple .bio
forms. .nonexistent forms. .almostexistent forms. the rose is barely visible,
but slowly, it reaches the queen.

I want to be cloned. the rose whispered.
I want to grow invisibly in several dimensions.  i want to become fog.
so thick, so very thick that 01 else cannot escape.

01 else reads a book. The fog lingering around the letters. introducing new
patterns. new words, sentences, stories. stories within stories. 01 else waits
impatiently, watching the screen, waiting for the indefinite to shrivel into a
rational unit. 01, waiting equally impatiently for 01 else to turn around and
decide to stay, stands up and proclaims: 

it is logical that the illogical should contradict the illogical.


the queen reaches for her dictionary and reads:


She disappears from 01 world and ventures to another.


01 else ........

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