[syndicate] BGSW zaprasza...

Miguel Caetano MiguelC at casadosbits.pt
Thu May 2 12:28:35 CEST 2002

Claudia Westermann wrote:

>>If this is not the case, someday we will be receiving messages in
>>chinese, russian and other languages. And that, I think, will be the end
>>Syndicate, as it would be for any other global mailuing-list.

>does global mean Western ?
>just wondering because you were also only mentioning Western languages

Whether some people like it or not - I don't like it... - , English, French
and Spanish are the most influential global languages in economic, cultural,
artistic and political terms. In my own personal opinion, Portuguese should
also be part of this group, but at the present, it isn't like so... A
situation that is shared with Chinese and Indian, languages that are much
more spoken than Portuguese and French. 

This has nothing to do with the Western/Eastern controversy, which has been
used and abused in the last century for the convenience of everybody. It is
more related to the establishment of a common basis of dialogue between all
the subscribers of this list, short of a common denominator. I don't want to
generate a flame war, but I think that the input of new ideas and topics of
discussion should be always welcome in a mailing-list, under the condition
that this is made in an orderly way. 

>in case you did not read the Syndicate info file
>you' ll find it here:

>well and .. the end of Syndicate has not only been predicted but also 
>been assumed.
>Syndicate is kind of used to it in a way.

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