Call To Artists: The Digital Pocket Gallery - international collaborative online exhibit at

Kanarinka kanarinka at
Fri Mar 22 19:35:42 CET 2002

Call To Artists:   

The Digital Pocket Gallery: Net Artists respond to their Hard Drives...

April 1st to August 31st 2002

Pockets contain miniature biographies and testaments to our lives and

forgotten stories. The crumpled train ticket speaks of journeys taken,

the handful of confetti in your 'best' jacket of a wedding years before
the telephone number on the back of a matchbook given by a someone    
who's name and face is long forgotten. Files and folders are the
pockets' of the internet artist. The hard-drive is an autobiography in

coded form. Dreams, ideas and waste lie hidden in these cryptically    
labelled pockets that have become the maps and landscapes of our    
virtual lives.    

We invite you to empty your digital pockets for inspection (whether real

or fictitious) for an online exhibition at   

Submission Guidelines   

1. A representation of the structure of your    
computer file system must be incorporated in some way, either by    
screen shot (e.g. Windows Explorer) or artistic interpretation.    
2) work can be any digital file that can be displayed on/transmitted   
through the web (image to html to flash to java to etc)   
3) playfulness &  inventiveness of rule #1 is encouraged   
4) Work must be pocket-sized - under 50K     

Please send your submission to:   
digitalpockets at   
Submission to be sent by  May 1, 2002 please.   
Artists have the option to supply one or all of the following to 
accompany their submissions:  name, email, country, homepage url, 
title of work, brief artist's statement which will be displayed
their work.   

All works meet the guidelines will be included in the exhibition.    

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'Pocket Crew'   

Kanarinka - iKatun - U.S.A.   
Pirun - iKatun - U.S.A.    
Jeremy Turner - 536 Gallery - Canada  
Jess Loseby - Independent Artist - U.K.   

This project was inspired by the Pocket Gallery at the 536 Gallery in  
Vancouver, Canada: 

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