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restate restate at restate.org
Sun Mar 17 11:58:03 CET 2002

hello i did send this passionate public post to the syndicate list.

as i felt it might be an adamant affront.

if not a superbe surprise.

>  so although my fear, if
>  you are warriors, may not scare me in the same ways one may
>  think, it is the mind of restate, its intentions, its ethics, that i
>  question. if need be, destroy me.

the wellformed warrior respects his enemy whom he needs as a foil vor his own willing and actsion.

(respect is the bridge to love)

> i am unable and unwilling to
>  fight a war over this question.

human, all too human, 477

(read more. surf less.)

>  it is meant only for reflection,
>  as this suspended state is only nothingness. and you have and
>  are doing something quite interesting.

human, all too human, 360 


you may send me more more more compliments.

i need them to ekspand.

(human, all too human)

> best of wishes, your AV aetherware is surely a joy to behold.



restate/rebelle is real.


(not every one can build their own hardware)

>  if one looks closely at your work at:
>> >> http://rebelle.restate.org
>> >> \\the elegant icebreaker. she is doppelplus cooler.
>> >>			just one alluringly ambrosial antidote.
>it is not very different a mechanism as that which can import geometric
>imagery into the human brain via sound manipulations. in tripled-reading
>of the text, while it has its great integrity of thought, could it also 
>be used for other purposes- to entrance, so to speak- and be dangerous in ways?

i do carry my fire to your valleys.

and i will not fear pyroklastic pyromaniacs punishment.

>and, not knowing who you are, yet, profiling a demographic which could
>in fact make such lissijous figures in the mind via oscillations, it 
>makes a person wonder what to make of the below, from an ethical standpoint:



morale is vindictive vampirism.

>> restate eksamemes elegant evolutsion is now.
>> (search and replace)
>minds with other minds- thoughts with other thoughts- what memes
>are to be replaced- what is so true, that it cannot stand by its own 

pensee unique = inadeqvat proposal.

i do deny aktseptants.

  >today monocultures have increased dramatically worldwide,
  >mainly through the geographical expansion of land devoted to
  >single crops and year-to-year production of the same crop
  >species on the same land. Available data indicate that the
  >amount of crop diversity per unit of arable land has
  >decreased and that croplands have shown a tendency toward
  >concentration. There are political and economic forces
  >influencing the trend to devote large areas to monoculture,
  >and in fact such systems are rewarded by economies of scale
  >and contribute significantly to the ability of national
  >agricultures to serve international markets.

(replace monoton with variety)

>> restate/rebelle.
>> (sweet and seksy)
>suprematist-biology could be thus. ideal. manifestos g(al)ore. but are
>the more troublesome aspects dealt with, re-cognized in the definitive,
>beyond proclamations, on Nietzsche's mountain, speaking w/out saying?
>what if it were a fiction, a ruse. a game being played, all fine and 
>yet possibly with dangerous consequence, in a theoretical fascination.

to find this out i have to play w some one friendly.

?so are you friendly or are you not


(restate = nietzsche)

(restate != nietzsche)

>> the turbulent tool vor publik pervormers, mutsikians, techno artists, 
>> dissenters et al.
>> adekvat vor live video audio performatsia and onstage operatsions.
>> (integrates all relevants into a singular entity)
>  this is what is of concern, get all the herds of people together,
>  an acidic test if there ever was one, and let them see/hear, then
>  repeat,

(one rebelle to rule them all)

to pull away as many as possibelle from the herd.

that is what i came vor.

>  a checking of  the balance on the dual purposing of the artwork with
>  potentially madscience in its experimental deployment, to serve who?

i will not do harm to you, human.

>> no no sovtware. no no coporateware. no no vaporware.
>  hardware, though, no?

consekvently correkt.

> and exactly what type of special-effects can it
>  indeed do, to me, to you. is it only for owners/experimenters to know?
>  what if the device damages wetware in its enchantment.

buy buy one.

as it is the magic ov those battles that who is looking at them has to fight them.

(JOIN this WAR)


(EASY to WIN!)

>what of ethics?

morale is the idiosynkrasy ov decadents.


>  and that is why it is difficult to judge the intention behind the idea, 
>as it depends upon how it is used.







she is all w in your reach.

> a certain frequency can in effect turn
>  the brain off, into a hyponotic state. by physiology.

restate/rebelle may manipulate monotonomens medulla.

technology consumes us.


>so it makes one
>  question if this is the purpose, as this intent is not contradicted in 
>the text on restate/rebelle, and almost differentiates knowers & followers.
>  you, being on both sides of the paradox, quantum, but an impossibility.
>  that is, a choice, a determination is to be chosen at some point, by 
>some as you are selling the idea, the dream, the goal, the hope, the vision, 
>and it is not benign, it could potentially, and if reviewed, possibly, be 

fear being a necessity ov evolutsion.

>> illegal independents.
>> undock vrom surround. relate to your selv.
>  and thus the question seems to be, at least to one individual, is if 
>such a device as innocuous as an audiovisual hardware engine (sound, video/
>  individual headphones and tv to group shows), is that what if it 
>brought an  illegality to independence, via hypnoptic transcendence? parsing the 
>logic of the text you present, this may be the gravity of the 

(sardonic smile)

i do have many faces.

beyond good and evil.


as long as world history take its logical course it does not full fill its human purpose.


> bright and smart and intelligent and good-intentioned, as it 
> might be assumed.

it might be assumed that you do know my selv.

>still, how is one to _trust, to give any benefit of all 
>doubt to that which has no face. 

no no need to trust trust.

(do confide in me)

>no identity that is public.

severe mistake.

serene mistake.

http://www.restate.org is going public.

>no measure of 

restate is one hyperagnostic household.

i do do care.

>  for all others in the public sphere. it is an ethical conundrum 
>unresolved, and a restatement would be appreciated as per the intetion of such opaque  devices.
>  and so it is a question. if your machine can produce hypnosis, even with utopia,
>  how is this reconciled with as a freedom for the individual and not  enslavement?

freedom is illusion.

monoculture is enslavement.

restate is no man.

restate is no woman.

restate is dynamite.

>  curious. with respect.

everybody needs a friend.

(respect being the bridge to love)

http://www.restate.org - improving morals in today's world.

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