
integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Mar 17 01:12:55 CET 2002

Peter Castine <chair at icmc2000.org>

ant!zpruzo non forare!!!!!

>>Did you finish where the beagle left off?
>More likely to finish where Edward George Bulwer-Lytton left off:
>"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents--except at 
>occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which 
>swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling 
>along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps 
>that struggled against the darkness." (_Paul Clifford_, 1830)
>Incidentally, as I recall, Madeleine L'Engel commenced _A Wrinkle in 
>Time_ with the same line. 

t!ng. b!ng. b!!!!!!!!!ng.

>A much better book. 

cezt ca.

>Possibly a bit earlier than 
>Snoopy's literary attempts. 
>On around 16<AD>3<AD>2002 13:53, integer at www.god-emil.dk said something like:
>>tell me - did you know - it is mmmmmmuch better to love than to be loved +?
>Yes, I know! 

but tell me - do you feel +?

>And love I do. 

comme de garcons.

>I have even dedicated an object in Litter to 
>Netochka as a token of my affection. 

a ou! +?  trez gent!le.
uat doez !t th!nk +?

>Just to show that, yes, even akd3m!k 
>wank!ng faz!st kap!tlzts (have I left anything out?


>) can love.

uel = man! 2x uear ku!te zpoond b! ah

>Love. Peace. Kisses. Oreo-flavored Ice Cream and Hot Chocolate with 
>Marshmallows for Everybody.

dzatz ver! korn!. zu!tz u juzt lvl! lvl!.


u hav !sz krema on ur noze.

! plaszd !t dzere.

memor!ez kom 4rom u!th!n u. l!ke zm!lez.


make this window warmer


uat elsz do ! l!ke


uatr l!ztnz 2 dze ground 4 zom zekret rush!ng
aprez !t = gl!dez akrosz all kordz.


!nz!de u!ch houze +?


uho ztandz beh!nd dze kurta!n +?


             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova             \ fashion's latest obsession
                                  - http://www.eusocial.com

dze bezt + most beautiful things in dzE velt cannot be seen 
              \  nor even touched ­ they must be felt  

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