[syndicate] Re: Yes, but is it art?

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Sun Mar 10 15:45:30 CET 2002

bonjour dear all

 >tse, frederic, in your age ... ;) ... the whole day will be ruined ...

it's pretty good looking
I can't believe it's already march 2002, reason enough not to sleep

 >in the network transcontinental cooperation is possible

it's worse than that
national cooperation is not possible!

that is also something that bothered me in the "is it art" piece
the importance that was given to "australia" over I don't know what really

>>>[how does a spam generator fit in2 this ideology??]
>>of course I had thought of that before writing this
>>it is a very interesting debate
>>(for which I need sleep!)
>that's why

of course, everybody knows that I am an advocate of list disruption, the 
difference is that I think that ultimately this should be beneficial to the 
list and not to the disrupter alone.

the huge difference is the cross posting
cross posting is the bane of mailing lists

why are there different mailing lists ?
with (hopefully) different subscribers, different topics, different 
functionalities, different roots and different histories ?

cross posting can never be justified because it nullifies the very nature 
of each mailing list, because it specifically adresses none of them. 
therefore it turns the attention on the cross poster only (having discarded 
any and every notion of communality) and it becomes obvious that the cross 
poster is only willing to momentarily confiscate the _numbers and that is 
what I find terribly abusive.

not that it bothers me that much beyond the fact that I find it either 
willingly manipulative or lacking in reflexion about networking indeed

>>~ a signature
>comme toujours

well, peut etre, but it seems that _everything must be explained


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