_gallery art

Jaka Zeleznikar jaka at jaka.org
Fri Mar 8 04:08:30 CET 2002

hi dear Syndicate people

i would like to get some opinions from you regarding some idea i have in
my mind (and in my dreams :)

i risk to turn out to be very stupid but...

my main activity is to do art works, i really like to do this, i guess
it's so important part of my life i can't live without it - but from
time to time i also read some theory about art

and most of the times i get impression that theorists have very strange
connection to reality (as experienced by artist)

so: some time ago galleries and museums exhibited pictures (paintings on
canvas) or statues but today they contain many different thing - from
sound art, installations, performance, visual and concrete poetry and so

so i don't see any point in term 'visual art'. i think more sense make
the term 'gallery art' - this contains all different activities by
artist (and curators) which are today way over paintings and sculptures
and are connected to different fields of human expression that can be
today found in gallery space.

Something very strange happened in last 100 years and gallery was more
or less the only space that embrace all that new practice (at least in
Slovenia where i live). Visual / concrete poetry is now at galleries not
part of literature (again maybe only in Slovenia?), contemporary music
seem to be part of gallery related space rather than traditional music
space, sound installation is in gallery rather than in opera house, ...

when i talked about 'gallery art' to my friend they make remarks about
library literature, CDR or LP music but i think that's not the same.

+ it's impossible (is Slovenia again?) to not to talk about the 'white
cube' and art outside the white cube - i think net art (or call it
browser, web, computer, internet, online, ... art) is out of white cube
but i see something very important /white cube of 'net art'?/ - so
called international festival of [computer related] new media /net - art
and mailing lists - is this the place which once will be rejected by new
art forms?

ok - this might have been already solved in theory? But what do you
think about it? Did you, as 'net artist' ever participated in festival,
gallery, museum. Why. How? What was the role of the curator?



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