munition dis.placement

Anna Balint epistolaris at
Thu Mar 14 10:53:53 CET 2002

Dear Claudia and Frederic,
I find amazing this discussion about x posting. Why x posting would it be net.wrong?
When a virus spreads within days around the globe, when news appear at 
hundreds of channels at the same time, when  there are hundreds of mailing
list, what's wrong  with x postings? why would be communication one directional
or biderictional when it can be multidirectional? specially when the mail is inforamtive,
can be addressed to multiple audiences? Why do you say that syndicate is antiherarchical, when
all mailinglists are non-hierarchical by definition? I hope that this non-specific non-hierercchy
is not the main characteristic of syndicate.

        *   ^  *                                                 C
         \   |  /                                                /    
     <--  x -- >                                      A<->B
        /    |   \                                               \
      *     *   *                                                D

What is wrong with a solo show at Agricola de Cologne?
[ok, beyond possible objection about the celebration of Java tools]  
I also see archives more appropiate to store data and art on the net,
but I don't understand why you see museums as hiererchical structures?
Why would need Mez a syndicate medal for posting exclusively to syndicate?
Why would it be mandatory that Mez would react, would contribute to what 
you gratuiteously call net performance?
My interest is spreading and gaining recognition of what I find valuable in net culture, 
code works for instance, among large communities, by multiple means.
I would say  x-post, create your own museum, your own archive, organize and
promote your culture.


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