[syndicate] discussion place.ment (was zem)

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Wed Mar 13 14:42:11 CET 2002

At 23:37 13/03/2002 +1100, self re:ply.cator wrote:
>>because I find that what you do (eg crosspost and participate to "solo 
>>shows" for agricola de cologne, asking for permission to post to an ML 
>>that you find important) is a simple repeat of trad art practices
>.....so c u my participation in a solo show and my cross-posting as 
>ratifying a traditionalist art perspective?


>fair enuff....how do u view the the n.hanced|x.tended framework that the 
>net.work offers & that transposes & shifts this 'tradition' within a 
>radically differing environment|method of data dispersal?

I caught this insight on the way and quickly seized the rather poor words 
that were closest to hand to pin it down lest it fly away again. And now it 
has died of these arid words and shakes and flaps in them - and I hardly 
know any more when I look at it how I could ever have felt so happy when I 
caught this bird.
The Gay Science section 298

>that this _simple repetition_ of trad art practcies is different if only 
>in terms of the processual nuancing of the comm modes in which it is presented?

I see that it fails to do so.

>>and this is a direction you took, say, a year ago or two ago not more.
>sorry f, don't understand this...r u saying i started to cross-post a year 
>or 2 ago?

I don't say this. I say you began to conform to trad art practices and 
hierarchical nodes then

>..well, we obviously differ here.


>.           .    ....         .....
>  net.wurker][mez][
>[trans. loose. (e)NT][ity][]
>[sel][l][f  reply.cation]
>  www.hotkey.net.au/~netwurker
>.... .               .???  .......

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