Yes, but is it art?

Frederic Madre fmadre at
Sat Mar 9 21:31:13 CET 2002

At 09:52 09/03/2002 +1100, you wrote:

>Yes, but is it art?
>Cath Hart

Dear Mez,

I do not get the point of what you do anymore. Particularily this 
announcement that has been cross posted all over the place is a bit too 
much to take, I find.

to me it is perfectly true that what you are doing is definitely _not 
engaging in the various discourses of the lists that you are on but simply 
use them and the subscribers who, sometimes, are also subcribed to several 
of those lists hence receive the stuff x times, exactly the same stuff x 
times and probably delete it x-1 times at best.

now sending this one in the same manner, cross posted, would enlighten the 
fact that all you are trying to achieve is getting your name mentioned x 
times to the y number of subscribers of the x lists you cross post to and 
that is it.

why would anyone care about being labeled art on the internet ?


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