[syndicate] truth

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Jun 30 05:26:39 CEST 2002

"furtherfield" <info at furtherfield.org> kuot!ng more cnn

>Blank"Pictures no longer bring anything new to the audience,
>because they have it 100 times a day on TV ... 
>the only thing left is to show more truth about their lives, 
>but they do not want truth about that."
>-Jean-Luc Godard 

if we know something it does not follow we can feel it

marxizm + dialectics -> the mistaken unification ov distinkt senses.

>"furtherfield" <info at furtherfield.org>

in marxizm development = abzent.

hou true + true + true.

furtherfield - ur br!t!sh komradz = dezertd 2 rh!zome + etc. ztart rol!ng za!d page 0


nn - round!ng up all okz!dent kr!!!ketz [on behalv ov TRUTH!!!!!!

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