OSI Grants for Open Access Online Journals

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Thu Jun 27 14:18:36 CEST 2002

Grants for Open Access Journals / Application Deadline: September 9, 2002.

* Becas para revistas "acceso habierto" en la región de Europa Central y del
Este. Plazo: 9 de septiembre del 2002. Para más información, visite la
Web: http://www.soros.org/openaccess/grants-journals.shtml
O envíe un correo electrónico a Melissa Hagemann en: mhagemann at sorosny.org

* Bourse pour revue "acces libre" dans la région d'Europe Centrale et de
l'Est. Date limite: 9 septembre, 2002. Pour tous renseignements, veuillez
consulter la page Web:
ou envoyer un courriel à Melissa Hagemann au: mhagemann at sorosny.org

The Information Program of the Open Society Institute announces
Grants for Open Access Journals
Application Deadline: September 9, 2002
To support open access to international research and scholarship, OSI will
provide $100,000 in funding to support the publication in open access peer-
reviewed online journals of articles by authors residing and working in
countries where the Soros foundations network is active.
Journals that have adopted an open access up-front payment business model
will be eligible for funding (please see
for more information about open access funding models).

Open access is defined as free and unrestricted online availability of
current content. Funding will be provided directly to the journal to
subsidize the up-front fees. Funding will cover the fees for processing of
articles that are accepted for publication in 2002. A maximum of two
articles per author per year will be eligible for 100% funding of the processing fee,
while an additional two articles will be eligible for funding at 50% of the
processing fee, with the additional 50% coming from the institution
supporting the research, the author's affiliated institution, a government
agency, etc.

For more information please visit: http://www.soros.org/openaccess/grants-

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