No subject

integer at integer at
Fri Jun 7 16:35:01 CEST 2002

>>no, i think i'd rather stuff my fat face with a pizzzzzzza

!nterezant due 2 dze face = formd ov bra!n cellz +
dze bra!n lvvvvz p!zza \ karboh!dratez

2x = much much mor komplekx konekz!onz betu!n dze 2 bra!nz [hensz nn l!fd quarel + th!nk]
2x kan u!thztand v.lou blood glukosz lvlz [xyz = ud fa!nt

teztozterone = ant!.fat
teztozterone =

teztozterone = konvrtd 2 estrogen 4 dze mozt part !n dze bra!n

evoluz!e = haz !nkreszd teztozterone lvlz !n humanz
uearb! human femalez = hav h!gher teztozterone lvlz dzn male ch!mpz

reprodukz!on = mor !mportnt dzn zurv!vl

mozt xyz = ultra.kouardz + l!ke hunt!ng !n a pak  [!.e. dze! l!ke bond!ng. 2x l!kez b!nd!ng

!tz good 2 cook

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