wo.men & men][ses][ run thru .here::fuel. falling. h][er][ymns

][co][De][e][p.rivation netwurker at hotkey.net.au
Tue Jul 30 03:27:26 CEST 2002

the big maze

a 113 absolved 223 across 193 after 127 against 209 against 212 against
215 and 117 and 160 and 173 and 2 and 225 and 228 and 54 and 63 and 69 and
75 and 83 and 95 anywhere 198 are 14 are 18 are 4 at 28 backwards 172
before 122 before 219 begin 21 begin 56 beings 94 birth 123 black 44
bodies 137 bodies 142 calendar 65 cause 107 cause 114 cause 238 cause 51
cause 59 children 26 choice 12 choice 232 choice 235 clothing 178 continue
100 continue 144 continue 202 continue 47 create 234 death 109 death 112
death 128 death 211 death 213 disappears 218 divination 64 dresses 180
earth 38 eclipse 66 everything 217 explanation 214 explanation 216 extend
154 extend 170 feel 23 find 147 find 237 find 31 find 50 find 58 for 105
for 108 forwards 175 given 15 given 19 grasp 131 grasp 138 have 10 have
183 having 230 illness 106 impossible 41 in 133 in 140 in 158 in 161 in
187 in 35 in 42 in 77 in 85 in 90 in 97 infants 27 is 151 is 222 is 33 is
40 it 24 it 73 it 81 kill 229 land 195 land 8 language 165 larger 74
larger 76 larger 82 larger 84 life 121 life 126 live 197 live 200 make 103
make 111 make 120 make 125 make 207 make 72 make 80 make 88 make 93
measurement 186 measurement 190 memory 171 memory 174 men 226 men 3 minds
130 minds 135 move 192 no 11 no 231 none 152 nothing 221 nourish 227 of
185 of 189 of 204 of 239 of 52 of 60 on 101 on 145 on 203 on 48
organization 208 organization 210 organize 116 organize 118 organize 68
organize 70 origins 89 out 25 play 29 possible 34 reason 104 reason 148
reason 155 robes 179 sky 45 sky 62 space 159 space 78 space 98 spheres 96
status 184 status 188 summer 61 survive 157 the 194 the 36 the 43 the 7
their 129 their 134 their 136 their 141 them 132 them 139 them 220 there
150 they 102 they 110 they 115 they 119 they 124 they 13 they 143 they 146
they 153 they 156 they 163 they 166 they 169 they 17 they 176 they 182
they 191 they 196 they 199 they 20 they 201 they 206 they 233 they 236
they 30 they 46 they 49 they 55 they 67 they 71 they 79 they 87 they 9
they 92 they 99 thrown 5 time 162 time 86 time 91 to 22 to 57 uniforms 181
upon 6 use 164 use 167 use 177 war 205 waterfall 240 waterfall 53 what 16
what 32 what 39 where 149 women 1 women 224 writing 168 yellow 37
vi zz; tr " " '\012' < zz > yy; nl yy > ww; awk -f a/back ww > yy;
sort yy > ww; h >> ww; rm yy zz; pico ww

Am Mon, 29.Jul.2002 um 13:18:28 -0400x schrieb Alan Sondheim:
 > a 113 absolved 223 across 193 after 127 against 209 against 212 against
 > 215 and 117 and 160 and 173 and 2 and 225 and 228 and 54 and 63 and 69 and
 > 75 and 83 and 95 anywhere 198 are 14 are 18 are 4 at 28 backwards 172
 > before 122 before 219 begin 21 begin 56 beings 94 birth 123 black 44
 > bodies 137 bodies 142 calendar 65 cause 107 cause 114 cause 238 cause 51
 > cause 59 children 26 choice 12 choice 232 choice 235 clothing 178 continue
 > 100 continue 144 continue 202 continue 47 create 234 death 109 death 112
 > death 128 death 211 death 213 disappears 218 divination 64 dresses 180
 > earth 38 eclipse 66 everything 217 explanation 214 explanation 216 extend
 > 154 extend 170 feel 23 find 147 find 237 find 31 find 50 find 58 for 105
 > for 108 forwards 175 given 15 given 19 grasp 131 grasp 138 have 10 have
 > 183 having 230 illness 106 impossible 41 in 133 in 140 in 158 in 161 in
 > 187 in 35 in 42 in 77 in 85 in 90 in 97 infants 27 is 151 is 222 is 33 is
 > 40 it 24 it 73 it 81 kill 229 land 195 land 8 language 165 larger 74
 > larger 76 larger 82 larger 84 life 121 life 126 live 197 live 200 make 103
 > make 111 make 120 make 125 make 207 make 72 make 80 make 88 make 93
 > measurement 186 measurement 190 memory 171 memory 174 men 226 men 3 minds
 > 130 minds 135 move 192 no 11 no 231 none 152 nothing 221 nourish 227 of
 > 185 of 189 of 204 of 239 of 52 of 60 on 101 on 145 on 203 on 48
 > organization 208 organization 210 organize 116 organize 118 organize 68
 > organize 70 origins 89 out 25 play 29 possible 34 reason 104 reason 148
 > reason 155 robes 179 sky 45 sky 62 space 159 space 78 space 98 spheres 96
 > status 184 status 188 summer 61 survive 157 the 194 the 36 the 43 the 7
 > their 129 their 134 their 136 their 141 them 132 them 139 them 220 there
 > 150 they 102 they 110 they 115 they 119 they 124 they 13 they 143 they 146
 > they 153 they 156 they 163 they 166 they 169 they 17 they 176 they 182
 > they 191 they 196 they 199 they 20 they 201 they 206 they 233 they 236
 > they 30 they 46 they 49 they 55 they 67 they 71 they 79 they 87 they 9
 > they 92 they 99 thrown 5 time 162 time 86 time 91 to 22 to 57 uniforms 181
 > upon 6 use 164 use 167 use 177 war 205 waterfall 240 waterfall 53 what 16
 > what 32 what 39 where 149 women 1 women 224 writing 168 yellow 37

while (<STDIN>) {
push @input, split (/[\s]+/, $_);
for ($x=0; $x<=$#input; $x=$x+2) {
$output[$input[$x+1]] = $input[$x];
print join (' ', @output);

women and men are thrown upon the land they have no choice they are
given what they are given they begin to feel it out children infants at
play they find what is possible in the yellow earth what is impossible
in the black sky they continue on they find cause of waterfall and they
begin to find cause of summer sky and divination calendar eclipse they
organize and organize they make it larger and larger in space they make
it larger and larger in time they make origins in time they make beings
and spheres in space they continue on they make reason for illness cause
for death they make death a cause they organize and organize they make
life before birth they make life after death their minds grasp them in
their minds their bodies grasp them in their bodies they continue on
they find reason where there is none they extend reason they survive in
space and in time they use language they use writing they extend memory
backwards and memory forwards they use clothing robes dresses uniforms
they have status of measurement in status of measurement they move
across the land they live anywhere they live they continue on of war
they make organization against organization death against death
explanation against explanation everything disappears before them
nothing is absolved women and men nourish and kill having no choice they
create choice they find cause of waterfall

GnuPG/PGP public key ID 3200C7BA, finger cantsin at mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de

At 10:49 PM 29.Jul.2002 ][est][ MEZ wrote:
At 08:00 PM 7/29/2002 +0200, florian c.RAM.er wrote:
>Am Mon, 29.Jul.2002 um 13:18:28 -0400x schrieb A.LAN. Sondheim:
>(' ', @output);
>wo.men & men][ses][ run thru .here.           up on the concept of _and_, 
>they hock & cough
>wot they r given:is:wot is r][ote][iven.                    feel.errs 
>out|chunks of infants
>pl.ay[er] finite with wot is pro.gramm.able.                 yellow urging 
>with the m.possible
>in yr back, my eyes shine in lust conti.nuance.               cauterized 
>water|falling hymns
>begging 2 course sum + 1 sky.                                   divide + 0 
>gregorian skins
>organs & organ.wurd.banks stab my lungs.                 space largess 
>larger & looming in twinned 
>o][iled][.rig.ins.              tie.me.up|make(@).being.down][ed][
>the .][a][sp. is .here.                                           haiku 
>rea.son.ing caus][eway][ing silt
>death cr8s death|causal creates organizal.              make. organs. 
>][k][not. war
>life b4 burgeoning lilted a.ms & dead P.Ms          buttermilk ][g][rasping
>body.grasping & connector::continue.                  . on .
>fibrous reason|where::there|.                      x.tended. .salted. .sucking
>pac][k][ing time in fuselage language.    usable memory wiring
>c.king ][ed][wards of loathing    + rubes dressed uni][x][form][ed][
>hiatus of me & asssurances of u in droves of awkward motion
>crossing the b.land with the live _a.ny.where_ in the th][r][ive-worn
>t.he.y make organs agape|sanitization of death rubbing against death
>plain reality nations against planar dis|re.appearances b4 hemming in
>nothing is revolving. wo.men and men][ses][ nourish by kill switching + 
>they. cre8. choice. they. fuel. falling. h][er][ymns.

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collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
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collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
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