
anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Sun Jul 28 16:19:06 CEST 2002

In my opinion in the age of the global village in 
Deep Europe critical art and theory are very much related to history.
Theory, publishing of the sources, media history,  are just as important as site 
specific installations and performances.
Understanding the media, medium based art works, 
the Digital Bauhaus play a key issue in reconnecting 
different understandings, criticisms, perceptions and identieties. 
Mapping different cultures, histories, archeologies interfere with the 
understanding of the digital space. The epitome of hypertextual 
additions to the visual, textual, musical digital  world bear upon 
the perception and the understanding of the geography, language, 
psyche, technology, politics and history. 
While with interdisplinarity the divide of different art forms, sciences and cultures 
seems to diminish, changing the understandings of subjectivity as well,
there is there is need of a platform, where the reassembling of the 
knowledges become meaningful in respect of artists, cultural and media workers 

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