do listen to my votsiferous voice

restate restate at
Mon Jul 22 11:29:42 CEST 2002

the nifty nightingale presents >


(the tweet tune)

26 july - 31 july 2002.

onland pervormants.

in kassel /.de



i do do diy.


(the cheep chant)

it is no no more than one monotonomorale prejudits that truth is worth more than appearants.

(worst case assumptsion)

let my selv concede >

there would be no no no life at all if not on the basis ov perspective evaluatsions and appearantses.

(polyphonic pretsision)

the world which we do become sensibelle ov is the world ov surface is the world ov symbols.

the generalised world.

the perfunctory world.

the ignobelle world.

the known is the familiar.

while the familiar is the most difficult to perceive.


i am

your stuttering starlet sylvia atricapilla.

(the ornithrologic oksitocinderella)


i am

your polymorph pervert pepierre.

(the perturbating pertseptsion manager)


i am

your twisting then tweeting twirpi hedren.

(the turbulent troubarits)


i am

your mutant phenotwerp.

(the awesome aviarist) \\find out where i do give my daimonic discontsert.

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