your mail in my inbox

anna balint epistolaris at
Tue Jul 16 17:30:54 CEST 2002

What a sad mail, Netochka!
is it because of pain that you refuse human condition and embodiement?
anna balint

7/16/02 2:00:58 AM, integer at wrote:

>>>a man does not his g r e a t ness show
>>>by being at 1 extremity
>>>but rather
>>>by touching
>>>both + simultaneously.
>>netochka, my love, 
>!!!!!!eeeeezzz _____...
>>how did you got all this knowledge? 
>uh! - 
>m! lv                                      [lv !znt h!er 2 g!v. !t !z h!er 2 ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kkkkkeeee -> 4 !tz good 2 b naked
>plazez h!z `heart` !n ur handz.
>mmmm +?
>>why don't you take an effort to write a 
>>book -
>! ur!te. dze mozt beaut!fl ov dz!ngz ___... u
>onto u.
>>my love, 

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