Pixxelpoint Newsletter

Blaz Erzetic blaz at erzetich.com
Sat Jul 13 15:47:52 CEST 2002

Pixxelpoint 2002 - International Computer Art Festival
-- Newsletter - Jul. 13 2002 --

Dear Pixxelpoint Newsletter subscribers

The summer is here. Some of you have holidays and you can spend creatively.
We're awaiting your images, animations, interactive art and music until
September 15th 2002.
To see details, please go on our site to page "How to Join".

Beside the plaquettes that will be given to best works chosen by the jury
and the public, some of our sponsors are kindly giving away their products.

X-Frog by Greenworks
2 packages, each of value $359
A tool that will help you in creating 3D models of plants and other
branched or organic-like objects.

Real 3D by Realsoft
Package of value $700
A 3D modeling and rendering tool with a long tradition that will help you
with creation of realistic 3D images.

Vue d'Esprit by E-On Software
Package of value $199
A landscape generator with many features that became famous in no time
right because of its many powerful features that offers.

Z-Brush by Pixologic
Program of value $399
Z-Brush is an excellent solution for those who work with illustrations. It
combines 2D and 3D tools that help you making stunning images.

Dark Tree by Darkling Simulations
Package of value $479
A CD full of procedural textures for leading 3D programs. A must have for
the ones who take graphics seriously.

In case of any comments and questions please send un email at 
info at pixxelpoint.org .

Best regards,
Blaz Erzetic & Pixxelpoint staff

If you don't want to receive further informations about Pixxelpoint, please
kindly reply to this email with "Remove" in subject line.


Pixxelpoint 2002 - Mednarodni festival racunalniske umetnosti

-- Novice - 13. jul. 2002 --

Spostovani prejemniki Pixxelpointove okroznice

Poletje je tukaj in nekateri izmed vas so delezni pocitnic, katere lahko
kreativno izkoristite. Pricakujemo vase slike, animacije, interaktivno
umetnost ter glasbo do 15. septembra letos.
Za vec informacij o sodelovanju pojdite na nase spletne strani pod

Poleg priznanj, katere bosta dodelila publika in zirija, po njihovi presoji
najboljsim, bomo dodali se prakticne nagrade, katere so prijazno odstopila
nekatera podjetja.

X-Frog  (Greenworks)
2 paketa v vrednosti 359 USD
Orodje, katero vam bo olajsalo kreiranje 3D rastlin ter drugih razvejanih
ali organskih predmetov.

Real 3D (Realsoft)
Paket v vrednosti 700 USD
Orodje za 3D modeliranje in upodabljanje, kateri ima dolgo tradicijo in vam
bo v veliko pomoc pri kreiranju realisticnih 3D slik.

Vue d'Esprit (E-On Software)
Paket v vrednosti 199 USD
Generator pokrajin z veliko opcijami, kateri je postal v kratkem casu zelo
uspesen ravno zaradi svoje zmogljivosti.

Z-Brush (Pixologic)
Program v vrednosti 399 USD
Z-Brush je odlicna resitev ilustratorjem. Kombinira 2D in 3D tehnologijo,
katera vam je na voljo za izdelavo prepricljivih ilustracij.

Dark Tree (Darkling Simulations)
Paket v vrednosti 479 USD
Zgoscenka polna proceduralnih tekstur za vodilne 3D programe. Obvezen
izdelek tistim, ki se resneje ukvarjajo s 3D-jem.

V primeru, da imate kaksno vprasanje ali pripombo, vas vabimo, da nam le-to
posljete na nas elektronski postni predal
info at pixxelpoint.org

Lep pozdrav,
Blaz Erzetic in Pixxelpoint osebje

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