Fw: Book Review

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Thu Jul 11 17:14:22 CEST 2002

Where did this critic live for the past 12 years? On Mars? Even 
Bosnian Serbs of Republika Srpska never called themselves 
"Yugoslavs". In fact according to the last former Yugoslavia's 
census 9% of population declared themselves Yugoslavs, but they 
were mostly Serbs in Slovenia and Croatia, military personnel in 
Montenegro and Macedonia, and government employees in 
Belgrade. Only some children from mixed marriages in Bosnia 
adopted the Yugoslav nationality - but statistically large majority of 
such children adopted nationality of one of the parents. Sarajevan 
Emir Kusturica calls himself Yugoslav. But in Belgrade. Tom 
Shone would need a dental job if he called somebody in Sarajevo, 
who survived the siege laid by a Yugoslav Army general, Ratko 
Mladic, a Yugoslav. Would he come to the U.S. in 1800s and write 
about those fine Englishmen that fought so well in their Revolution? 
It is for his own good that he learns that crucial distinction.

To:             	brigall at yahoo.co.uk
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  	Ivo at reporters.net
Date sent:      	Wed, 10 Jul 2002 20:23:59 -0700
Subject:        	Fw: Book Review
From:           	"Gerard , Hilda Foley" <hmfgsf at juno.com>

The review mentioned was printed in the L.A. Times Book Review section by
the UK Telegraph film critic, so I sent my short letter to both
newspapers. It is not a big deal, but I just could not resist replying to
such stupidity. 

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gerard , Hilda Foley <HMFGSF at juno.com>
To: dtletters at telegraph.co.uk
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 21:14:54 -0700
Subject: Book Review

Dear Editor:

In his review of "Sundance Sarajevo" film critic Tom Shone writes about
Sarajevo "....You mean like figuring out why the Yugoslavs, having
survived the world's longest siege in modern history,  ..." 
I don't believe the inhabitants of Sarajevo would appreciate being called
"Yugoslavs". They are Bosnians, of the internationally recognized country
of Bosnia-Herzegovina and it was the Yugoslavs, meaning Serbs, who were
doing the besieging of Bosnia's capital Sarajevo for four terrible years.


Hilda M. Foley
National Federation of Croatian Americans
13272 Orange Knoll
Santa Ana, Ca 92705, USA
714 832-0289 

Ivo Skoric
1773 Lexington Ave
New York NY 10029
ivo at balkansnet.org

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