- call for artists http://www.the-cyber-kitchen.com

Jess Loseby jessloseby at the-cyber-kitchen.com
Tue Jul 9 15:22:24 CEST 2002

Hi - Could you include this call in your next mailings? Cheers, Jess 
Loseby -------------------- 

- call for artists http://www.the-cyber-kitchen.com Projected Start of  
Exhibition: 23 July 2002 How the project will develop/ guidelines for 

Artists are invited to submit proposals for inclusion in the cyber-kitchen 
at http://www.the-cyber-kitchen.com by emailing: jessloseby at the- 

Kitchens are traditionally both the hub of the family home and the icons 
of domesticity. They are filled with a strange mix of technology in the 
shape of labour-saving devices mixed with the mundanity of the 
chipped cup or empty carton. There is a secret rhythm and motion 
within these objects and surfaces: the endless cycle of consumption 
and elimination, the formation bacteria and the ritual cleansing of the 

In the kitchen image (see http://www.the-cyber-kitchen.com), a few 
objects have been converted to buttons and these will lead the visitor 
into the individual artworks. More buttons will be added as artists pick 
the areas or objects they wish to interpret. Over time the kitchen itself 
will change, as people 'enter' the space and objects are moved and 
rearranged. Artists are invited to pick any object or area of the kitchen 
for interpretation/representation. This might achieved literally (such as 
in the digital interpretation of an object e.g., a teacup) or as a play on 
the idea or meaning of an object (e.g. a teacup might result in a work 
based on 'a storm in a teacup') There are also four doorways, a French 
window and a corridor leading off the cyber-kitchen...where do they go? 

There are no limitations to shape, format or creative interpretation of 
the objects in the cyber-kitchen except for a few practical constraints: 

1) Please submit proposals and/or works in progress rather than 
completed works...this is make sure that the cyber-kitchen is full of a 
number of 'objects' and not 20 fridges! 

2) PC based artworks only (including zipped submissions, no .sit files) 

3. Artwork can be static jpeg, gif, flash movies, html, java low-res video 
etc. providing it can be displayed/transmitted on the net. Larger works 
(e.g. video may need to be hosted on the artists own site and integrated 
through links) 

4) One 'object' only per artist 

5)Artworks will be 'displayed' on a black background unless otherwise 



As it is hoped this will become a collaborative project, artists are invited 
to 'own' the project by inviting further artists to participate and promoting 
the work. Also offers of help curating the project and advice on its 
progression are welcomed. 

Single images or detailed digital photographs of objects that can be 
seen in the kitchen can be requested for artists to manipulate within 
their work. Please email me here stating whether you require jpeg or gif 
files and colour or greyscale. 

Please see: http://www.the-cyber-kitchen.com for more details. Cheers, 
jess loseby. 

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                          the cyber-kitchen

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