[syndicate] Calls, calls, calls

claudia westermann media at ezaic.de
Tue Jul 9 16:48:39 CEST 2002

>Don't call us, We'll call you
>	Sugarloaf 1973

hm )  .. and you never wondered what kind of things the mind saves ?

have another call here:

FW: backup lounge

We'd like to invite you to make an entry to the backup.lounge|lab 2002
exhibition/laboratory project.

While the backup.festival's issue is 'new media in film', .lounge|lab 
topic is to question traditional cinema dispositives.

This years exhibition will intensively deal with the transformation 
of the "open source"-theory/practice into "open art".
The .lounge|lab is no classic exhibition but a melange of an ever 
evolving laboratory and a recreating and communicative space.

Artists from all disciplines (i.e. filmmakers, video artists, sound
designers, architects, product designers, net and computer artists,
performers....) are invited to share a common "source code" and to 
act as an interdisciplinary collaborative artistic network. That 
means that the works will be created by multiple artists (we do not 
feature/present already finished works) and should symbolise their 
very different approaches towards the lab environment, media and 
their colleagues ideas and proposals. The integrity of the artists 
and their individual expression will both exist and diffuse when they 
access and trespass one another's ideas,
material and media(tools).

About the procedure/schedule of events: We will collect all entries 
until July 31st. After this we will "screen" all documented works and 
choose the artists to participate in the exhibition/lab project.
The artists will be chosen in a way to ensure a wide variety of 
different genres and hopes for the development of 
interaction/networking between the genres.
Based on our conception of "open source -> open art) we then share all
information between those artists (room plans & videos of the 
exhibition/lab space, your former works' documentation, C.V.s = all 
understood as "open source code"). Beginning in the end of August the 
artists will be "linked" should start their collaborative work as a 
network (i.e. collective conception and preproduction of material 
needed) via the internet/mail/phone/whatever.
One week before the festival starts we will invite the artists from 
all over the world to join in the physical space at the lab in a 
workshop situation and assemble and install the works. During the 
exhibition the works should undergo a constant metamorphosis to again 
display the different approaches to the same "source code".

backup_festival will cover transportation (flight tickets, trains...) 
and accommodation in Weimar for the time of the workshop and the 
festival + pay workshop fees. Furthermore we are glad to be able to 
provide basic technology such as computers, projectors, sound 
systems, building material in a reasonable amount.

If you have any more questions please mail to us
(loungelab at backup-festival.de).


loungelab at backup-festival.de

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