opportunity de balie || eyewitness report

Peter Luining email at ctrlaltdel.org
Tue Jan 29 23:55:28 CET 2002

Claudia Westermann wrote:
> http://pleine-peau.com/home ( presentation de balie - 25. jan. )

> Was there anyone at the discussion ? 

yes, i was and with me i guess about 150 people

here short description

1. sarah cook tried to break some ground for conceptual netart
in contrast to what she called the designerish work that is getting
more and popular especially in the usa. 
2. tilman baumgaertel was focussed on the role of the critic. he told
that his book about netart was full of interviews because this was
the best way to document objectively about something like netart.  
3. frederic madre, talked about why you can't go to artschool and
learn to become a netartist.
4. graham harwood, talked about his project for the tate and explained
what and why he did it. i remembered that he told the tate was
build on the place where for about 100 years stood a prison, and that
only 3 pictures remained of that place. 


jodi presentation of their new cd-rom untitled 
after presentation jodi cd-roms where handed out to the audience 
the pieces can also be found at: http://www.untitled-game.org

then panel discussion was started with the thesis that netart 
could only be understood from within, so not as objective critic.
the discussion went from subject to subject when a critic asked
jodi why they did what they did. the answer by dirk was uhhhhh! in 
which he mirrored the question asked. then somebody out of the audience 
started to attack (shouting) jodi's work as pure bullshit. dirk from 
jodi answered that the person was right...;) the discussion went on 
about what and how about jodi's work.
finally josephine bosma (moderator) ended the evening with saying
that de balie also once was a prison too.

all in all an exicting evening with lots of foods for thought.


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