[syndicate] Fwd: Nepraleisk progos!

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jan 16 13:24:05 CET 2002

hello anna,

>what's wrong with applying latin? specially in presence of ladies?

I kinda forgot there were some ladies, I kinda forgot myself
you know. it must have been the coffee.

>I cannot understand how the spam works. Is it the consequence of surfing?

sometimes. it is also the consequence of leaving your name in forms
I have seen some porn spam sent to a username I gave to download the real audio player
I give different usernames for the different forms I fill
traceability of spam

>Or you get it because you have a homepage? Or is it the result of you email acitivity?
>I never got a spam in my life. Is it because I do something wrong?

can I give your name to fill forms ?


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