RHIZOME_RAW: /// 0100101110101101.ORG /// Opportunity makes the thief

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jan 28 20:41:53 CET 2002

you guys suck trad art milk big time


At 16:56 28/01/2002 +0100, PROPAGANDA at 0100101110101101.ORG wrote:

>/// PROPAGANDA /// HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG ///
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
># HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/PROPAGANDA/PRESS
>/// from "Telepolis", 14 Dec 2001
>/// http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/sa/11341/1.html
>Opportunity makes the thief
>Sensation around a net.art exhibition in Korea
>by Tilman Baumgaertel
>Probably one shouldn't give the passwords of a server to net.artists,
>which are known for the theft of websites and the spreading of "art
>viruses". The organizators of the net.art group exhibition Korea web
>art, that showed among others the Critical Art Ensemble, Mark America,
>Superbad and Entropy8Zuper!, made this error.
>In order to be able to load their contribution on the website of the
>show, which takes place only in the Internet, they gave the access to
>the computer to the Italian artist duo 0100101110101101.ORG.
>They of course loaded some web pages on the computer. But in the night,
>in which the exhibition was officially opened in the Net,
>0100101110101101.ORG replaced Web-Art with Net.art and exchanged all the
>directories on the server. The effect: the links of the opening site
>brought to the wrong work of the wrong artists.
>The ones who visited at that time the freshly "opened" website and for
>example clicked the link to the work of Lisa Jevbratt, came to the one
>of Motomichi Nakamura, who wanted to see the work of Critical Art
>Ensemble, ended up on Superbad. Although the reworked website was online
>only few hours, now unpleasant consequences threaten the ones involved.
>Some artist complained to the curator Marc Voge, and also the Korean
>Ministry for culture and tourism, which financed the exhibition, took
>the incident badly. Now the action could cost even the job or at least a
>financial punishment to Voge.
>Marc Voge answered Telepolis only with the short comment "I love
>everything 0100101110101101.ORG does on the Net". The punishing threats
>meet a curator, who in the past stood out for his engagement in art in
>the Internet. Marc Voge organized in the year 2000 the Web exhibition
>Total Museum as completion of a contemporary art show, for which among
>other things produced works by Jodi and Alexei Shulgin. "Korea web art"
>should obviously continue this beginning. The solid exhibition with
>renowned artists, which stands under the title "Alone Together", could
>now be the last one of such presentations.
>In the past, similar actions assured that art institutions gave
>completely up with net.art. The net.art competition Extension of the
>Hamburg Museum for Contemporary Art, for example, "was hacked" 1997 by
>the Hamburg artist Cornelia Sollfrank, which sent several hundred works
>by supposed net artists under fake names. The jury fell on the Fake, and
>stood afterwards embarrassed.
>Since that time that Hamburg Museum for Contemporary Art made no
>exhibition and no competition of net.art anymore. The artists involved
>were, as may be understood, not enthusiastic about the action: while
>Sawad Brooks compared the action with the erased work of De Kooning by
>Robert Rauschenberg, Steve Kurtz of the Critical Art Ensemble (CAE)
>writes in an email the fact that "the work of CAE is without copyright
>and therefore can be reworked into other works by everyone. That is at
>any time possible - even with an "opening". However he criticizes that
>Marc Voge finds himself in difficulties after this action and assumed
>that therefore what concerned above all to the initiators was to promote
>themselves: "There is nothing funny for an hacker to hack an artshow in
>the Web. It seems that 0100101110101101.ORG wanted to place themselves
>above all in the center of the whole exhibition, producing a storm in an
>electronic water glass. Good publicity - no consequences."
>Lisa Jevbratt however finds: "This is very typical net.art. Not more and
>not less. So it was to be expected. In net.art it happens often to be
>invited around inviting, and infiltrating."
>/// "El Pais", 20 Dec 2001
>/// "El colectivo 01.ORG 'piratea' el sitio del Web Art Festival de
>Corea" [ spanish ]
>/// "ExiWebArt", 6 Dec 2001
>/// "Korea Web Art Festival: net art e hacking a Seoul" [ italian ]
>/// PROPAGANDA /// HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG ///
>+ hey teacher, leave them kidz alone
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