Fwd: Nepraleisk progos!

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Fri Jan 18 19:42:40 CET 2002

Hi Frederic,

what an interesting thing is spam! 

>>I cannot understand how the spam works. Is it the consequence of surfing?
>sometimes. it is also the consequence of leaving your name in forms
>I have seen some porn spam sent to a username I gave to download the real audio player
>I give different usernames for the different forms I fill
>traceability of spam

Maybe that's why I don't get them: I don't fill forms, or if I have to, I give fake names.
However, the wired magazine tied the increase of spam to the appearance of many new search engines. 
But it is an old phenomena. I remember that already in 1997 when I complained to the sysop
that the internet is too slow, we discovered that somebody uses our server to spread spam.
Our connection slowed down because of the thousand of wrong email addresses bouncing back
through our server - and we could not do anything.
Beyond the commercial spam, the 'use our service, send your cv, buy our product'
type of spam, what and who can stand behind the 'attention spam'? the ones which are about
fortune in Nigeria,  solidarity with Brian etc?
This is what you call spam art? This reality of the web?
I know about alternative trends of art which include all information and infomrmation
design in their art, avoiding this way that the society swallows them. For instance neoists wilfully
polluted their own history from the very beginning with data and story viruses
to make sure confusion about it. I know also that one of the first computer virus
ever was developed in the Puppet Governement workspace in Montreal of Monty 

>can I give your name to fill forms ?
oh, no thanks.
I discovered a pretty good spam collection at http://www.cspam.com/
This site offers spam java movie with selected music background.
C-SPAM  is an interactive art project created by a consortium of concerned artists for the purpose of educating the 
general public about the relationship between commerce and the Internet.

Also I enjoyed the  spam haiku, spam limericks and spam sonnets archives at
Specially I admire the limerick collection, such a great poetry form.
The SPAM Haiku Archive Master (SHAM) is John Nagamichi Cho,
the archives opened in 1995.

Monthy Python offers visual spam at
such as spamcandy, spambricks and spamfractal.

I was not surprised at all to discover some 
email lists spamm tools, at http://pleine-peau.com/n8/spam/ - (did we meet this name before?),
at http://emedia.free.fr/spam.html 
and we know from the syndicate list the  random recipee generator at 

Spam emerged as an art form as well; the net art ollective Jodi.org sent 
1,039 spam messages through the e-mail list Rhizome Raw last January.
We all know, love and hate our integer also. 

Frederic, I still wait for your spam art definition and all your thoughts about it.
I am glad that I can finally see you live next week in the net art net criticism panel in
Amsterdam, succes for you,

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