No subject

integer at integer at
Mon Feb 25 19:38:26 CET 2002

Jebate Patak <jebatepatak at>

>Dear friends,


>Opinions showed here are of body temperature,
>excluding those few lunatics and few cold
>computer-generated answering machines. That is not
>enough for me. Sorry, but that kind of culture is, oh
>god, forgive me for being

slijedite me.

>that kind of trash is
>just fucking boring. 

         1   +   1

>And you can found it even in my
>village local daily papers. 


>And of course, if someone is already mentioning
>politics, why nobody dares to speak loud about today
>really important topics like pollution,
>justice/injustice of "rich countries" interventions
>abroad or global capitalism vs. little countries
>terror campaign?

more smiles. a tree SPRANG up. O sheer transcendence!!!!! 

an other wakes from alfa.beta dreams
straps on the simply.linear goggles + enumerates the produktz
of utmost importance 01 after an other.

>See you in some other incarnation!

how to get the look


my darling grown up child
heavy are the mountains.
heavy are the seas.

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`really important topics like pollution,
 justice/injustice of "rich countries" interventions
 abroad or global capitalism vs. little countries
 terror campaign?`

nn - !ch ue!sz ...

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