integer at integer at
Thu Feb 14 15:06:37 CET 2002

>From: Garth Paine <garth at>

       uuuuuuuuu   i am the drink u drink

Garth Paine  - in 01 frenzied++ mental traf!k

>talking about the IRCAM FTP archive, I have always felt it rather 
>rediuculous that those of us who bought our version of MAX/MSp from 
>Cycling or Opcode were not able to access the developments from 
>IRCAM.  The forum is far too expensive for most of us, and it seems 
>silly that if we bought through IRCAm we would be able to access 
>IRCAM object, and purchases through Cycling do not give us that 
>pleasure - surelly the main fee is for the software infrastructure, 
>and the community should be more open when it comes to IRCAM 
>- -- 

cycling74 is a parasitic. monopolistic. thieving anglo.saxon corporation.
why is it surprising to you that the .fr government should finance cycling74 bastard
curriculum at all +?


remarkably prescient.

>see my installation pieces and hear my music at

cycling is an intimate occupation in our modern e poch - isn t it monsieur?

>The forum is far too expensive for most of us,

inter facing smiles. the reciprocal love of musicians + korporat.fascists bemused
me always + brings my tulip lips ___... into 01 bloom - which very often i simply 
cannot bear to cover with my morpho.memesis.

nn - i can eskape my FREE will


             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova                   nezvanova at

   n  r  .   5        !!!
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